The history, regulations and uses of orphan drugs.
INTRODUCTION 1 Drugs which are developed to treat rare diseases are known as ‘orphan drugs’. In this case, ‘rare diseases’ mean diseases that affect few members of the population. Mostly research is always going on in relation to the commonly produced diseases but no one was carrying research out on the rarely developed diseases. Because[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEProject management analysis – managing a one day training event.
Project Background Big Idea Ltd plans to organise a one day training event in project management with a specific focus on the application of the MS Project software in the Critical Path Analysis (CPA) method. The company has no experience in managing events of such calibre in the past, which is why several companies with[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEWhat advice would you give to risk public policy makers?
Introduction The government and scientists have lost their authority to give the information due to the rise of the information society. People become more aware about debates in the scientific community and more skeptical towards government policy. There is a greater need to understand how risk communicators should communicate risk under such circumstances. The risk[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEMarketing Management of Standard Chartered Group (SCG)
Standard Chartered Group (SCG) has been in the banking business for over a decade now. SCG has spread its wings to 70 markets across the world, with most of its income and profits generating from Middle East, Africa and Asia. The environment in which the bank industry operates is marked with numerous uncontrollable forces, which[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLELiveness Detection in Facial Biometric Systems: a state of the art
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analysing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyse human body characteristics, such as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes. [1] Of the multitude of biometric applications, facial recognition is emerging[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEResources to Support Science in the Foundation Stage
The ICT interactive whiteboard has been selected to support teaching and learning for teacher-led and independent activities. The audio and visual aspects of the interactive whiteboard have been highlighted as key resources. The other resources include picture folders and art and craft materials (e.g., stencils, paint, etc.). Online video clips and songs displayed on the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEJus Cogens are the highest source of international law to which all states must abide regardless of their consent to that norm or not
Certain obligations are erga omnes jus cogens. Erga Omnes can be said to be the obligation while jus cogen is the norm which the state must be obliged to follow. These are a source of international law which are of a different nature than other sources of international law, whether they are derived from custom[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEEffects of toxic waste on Grasmere aquatic ecosystem
Abstract Ecosystems can become unbalanced through pollutant effects, and their stability becomes disturbed. This investigation is concerned with the effects of toxicants on humans and wildlife in the Grasmere aquatic ecosystem. In this report, ecological risk assessments are carried out and a mathematical model is developed. The continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) was chosen for[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECollectivism and individualism in the management of remuneration in the United Kingdom and its impact on pay systems.
The shift from collectivism to individualism in the management of remuneration in the United Kingdom: The impact on the British reward system 1.0 Introduction: Collectivism in employee relations has to do with the extent to which management acknowledges the right of employees to collective representation and the how collectivism can influencing management decision-making (Storey and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe basic theory of correlation and how to calculate it manually.
Executive Summary The aim of this paper is to explain the basic theory of correlation and how it is calculated manually from a data set. The purpose is to give the reader a sound understanding of the subject and then be confident enough to calculate the correlation figure from any data set if and when[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLERebranding Marks and Spencer; the role of communication and the media.
MARKS & SPENCER (MEDIA THEORY) Effective communication in everyday life depends on a need for the joint understanding of meaning which derives from actions between participants, on the basis of sending and receiving messages (Tarone, 1981; McQuail, 2010). People use communication to convey ideas, signs, and beliefs to interested individuals or audiences. Communication as a[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLETreatments of Multiple Myeloma and Associated Bone Disease.
Introduction Multiple myeloma is a type of incurable plasma cells malignancy. This disease is characterized by clonal expansion of myeloma cells in the bone marrow, causing bone annihilation, impaired haematopoiesis, renal failures and other bone pathological fractures resulting in bone metastases. In the UK, nearly 3,300 new cases per annum are multiple myeloma(1). In healthy[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEWind Power Technology: A Review
INTRODUCTION The extraction of energy from the wind has evolved over thousands of years [1]. Earliest recorded applications of wind energy were in the milling of grains, the pumping of water and other mechanical applications. The first recorded reference in England was from 1185 AD, where a windmill in the village of Weedley in Yorkshire[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe operation and the applications of genetic algorithms.
Abstract This report describes the use of the operation and the applications of genetic algorithms. It describes the development and the application phases of the desired algorithms. The advantages of using the genetic algorithm as the solution finding methods are also shown. The formation of the fitness function and the other genetic operators is also[...]
Gene therapy is an experimental technique to treat disease or disorders using genes. It is predicted that in the near future instead of drugs or surgery doctors will use gene therapy to treat a disorder. Various approaches are being tested by researchers. Important among them are replacing a mutated gene with a healthy copy, inactivating[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEBiocompatibility – Cell Responses to Surface Chemistry
1] INTRODUCTION: The surface of the biomaterial plays an instrumental role in the determination of biocompatibility, associated biological and interfacial responses that, in turn, influence and yield implant success. The surfaces of the biomaterial can be modified for manipulation of implant features by physicochemical, biological and processing methodologies of surface patterning and assemblage (Temenoff and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEMANAGEMENT OF PROJECTS – an analysis of project management
PART 1: STRATEGY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ELEMENT: INTRODUCTION Project management is the set of skills and techniques used ‘‘to plan, co-ordinate and control the complex and diverse activities of modern industrial and commerce projects’’ (Lock, 2007).It is always difficult to focus on all the aspects of any programme (multiple projects) and so using a model in[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEBlack Book – differences in film & academic account
In a world dominated by the visual media, films are a wide source of popular knowledge about historical events. The film Zwartboek (‘Black Book’) released in 2006 is set in 1940s occupied Holland, and provides a snapshot into the experience of a young Jewish woman who partakes in the Dutch Resistance against German occupation. It[...]