Helen Moniz

About me:

I have studied Psychology for four years; this was, and will always be, my preferred subject. I have successfully attained a BA Honour’s degree and a Master’s degree. For my BA Honour’s degree at a UK University, I studied a combination of Psychology and English modules. This allowed me to develop my skills in writing psychological research reports, data analysis (mainly with SPSS and Excel) and writing English dissertations. Following my graduation, I decided to specialise in the field of Developmental/Child Psychology via a Master’s degree in ‘Psychology of Early Development’ at Reading University. After successfully completing my Master’s degree, I volunteered my services at local mainstream and specialist primary schools to develop my skills and knowledge in child care, learning and development. I intend using all my skills and knowledge to achieve my ultimate career goal to become an Educational Psychologist.


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The role of perceptual and conceptual similarity in early word – and referent processing in a preferential looking task

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