Essay on How To Ensure the Group Works Cohesively and Inclusively

Published: 2021/11/12
Number of words: 2281

Cohesion and Inclusivity in Teamwork

Section A

Teams aiming to achieve specific objectives should be cohesively structured to incorporate principles of inclusivity. It is the duty of the team manager to establish appropriate ways that can help improve the level of cohesion within a group (Ryan et al., 2018). Cohesion refers to the aspect of team members sticking close together in a bid to achieve the set objectives. Research indicates that groups that have maintained a high level of unity do better attaining the set standards within the work setting. A background check on how to promote inclusivity and cohesion among members will be necessary to establish what other authors have done on the same (Ryan et al., 2018). Leadership strategies adopted by an organization significantly affect team unity and overall participation in group activities. A literature review will help establish facts on what existing knowledge on how to run a successful team.

Lacerenza et al., 2018 researched on team success and how a leader in any particular group can foster unity among members. The article illustrates the essence of working in teams as a way of improving organizational performance. In a detailed manner, the authors of the article have highlighted developmental interventions that can be applied to ensure unity is enhanced (Lacerenza et al., 2018). The research asserts that training team members can improve competencies among members, which is essential for unity creation. It is important to note that the article recognizes two categories of developmental interventions that can be applied to promote training and process interventions (Lacerenza et al., 2018). The research notes leader capabilities and team competencies as core strengths that promote inclusivity among team members. Training is meant to promote the abilities of each individual in the team and make them ready to play different roles during projects. Equally, the authors have noted with concern that process interventions are meant to achieve better inter-personal relations for cohesion and mutual existence. Team building sessions are important for members to bond and understand each other beyond the work environment (Lacerenza et al., 2018). The research is informative and detailed enough to help in arriving on a conclusion on the topic of discussion.

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Lorenzo and Reeves in the year 2018 conducted a descriptive study to establish how and where diversity can drive performance. Diversity implies a state of a leader accepting that team members may exhibit different behavior, necessitating for tolerance for mutual existence (Lorenzo and Reeves, 2018). The authors of the article assert that diversity incorporates fairness in the execution of different operations. For instance, opportunities for skill development should be distributed equally among all team members to promote cohesion and inclusivity. Putting together a team of members with different behavior is a complex task, as noted in the research. Managerial diversity plays a crucial role in building a strong foundation for inclusivity and effective member participation (Lorenzo and Reeves, 2018). The study examined the relationship between managerial diversity, enabling factors such as appropriate leadership and technological impact. The article asserts that organizations that have embraced diversity are doing better in the financial market as compared to those that are rigid on their strategies. Equally, such organizations enjoy higher levels of innovation, making it necessary to apply the knowledge within a group at work to achieve the set objectives (Lorenzo and Reeves, 2018). The article is descriptive enough to add to the pool of information existing on team cohesion and inclusivity.

Viljoen-Terblanche, in the year 2008, researched the role of inclusivity in promoting organizational transformation. In his research, the author established that team managers should be at the forefront of championing for inclusivity. This can be achieved by training top managers on modern strategies that can apply to unite the team (Viljoen-Terblanche, 2008). The research notes with concern that team members within any organization should bolster sustainability. When the team is sustainable in ideas and capabilities, there is a likelihood that many will stick together. Equally, the research notes that failure to allow each individual to participate can cause division (Viljoen-Terblanche, 2008). A united team can successfully foster sustainable transformation within the work setting. The study examines how mentality works within a team to create new relations or destroy existing ones. A team that allows everyone to participate becomes more united as many activities are done with motivation. The study gives a detailed review of existing literature on organization transformation through inclusive leadership (Viljoen-Terblanche, 2008). Scientific approaches should be incorporated in the handling of group activities to help boost cohesion as an important aspect of organization transformation. The article can help the research gather necessary information for a detailed conclusion.

Another significant work on the topic of discussion was done in the year 2014 by Riordan. The article stresses the fact diversity within any team will be useless in circumstances where inclusivity is absent (Riordan, 2014). It is vital that managers within an organization and teams, be equipped with enough training to bolster inclusivity within their teams. For instance, when one fails to allow each individual to contribute during team activities is not fit for leadership. The research notes with concern that leaders have to lead by example by being tolerant and understanding (Riordan, 2014). Equally, the author mentions diversity and how it is immaterial in cases where inclusivity has been suppressed. Authoritative and rigid strategies cannot build unity in a team during group activities. As such, managers should allow each member to contribute in all matters as a way of enhancing cohesion for mutual existence. Sidelining of members and biasness will only be detrimental to efforts to boost inclusivity and cohesion (Riordan, 2014). The research emphasizes the role of relating well with each team member as a leader. Individuals in such groups look up to the leader to show them the way, which makes it necessary to incorporate the right virtues to organizational leadership.

Liang, Shih and Chiang in the year 2015 studied the role of team diversity in embracing cohesion within any organization. According to the article, teams that embrace diversity are better off in achieving the set objectives. A team cannot achieve targets when members are disoriented and have conflicts (Liang, Shih and Chiang, 2015). The research suggests that team managers are responsible for assembling and coordinating each individual for an easy run of operations. Liang, Shih and Chiang have emphasized cooperation among members as an approach that can promote unity and understanding. Equally, the research recognizes group behavior as a factor that significantly affects cohesion and inclusivity. Managers should embrace inclusivity as a way of making member comfortable and commit towards participation (Liang, Shih and Chiang, 2015). The research is well structured to allow one to gain an in-depth analysis of crucial information on team cohesion and inclusivity. Leaders who overlook the role of inclusivity are likely to fail in their quest to achieve success. Liang, Shih and Chiang have echoed cooperation and team cohesion as important prerequisites for success (Liang, Shih and Chiang, 2015). The fact that the article conducted a study using 558 participants to gather evidence on employee inclusivity makes it fit for the research. It is well detailed to help in formulating a conclusion at a later stage of the study.

Mach, Dolan and Tzafrir in the year 2010 researched on the differential effect of building trust among members working in the same team. Trust is a building block for better relations within the group, and there is a need for the leader to find ways of boosting interpersonal relations (Mach, Dolan and Tzafrir, 2010). According to research, such relations can be boosted by proper communication and transparency during team activities. With bolstered and inclusive communication, a team can achieve set targets within the stipulated time. When team members do not trust each other, it is hard for the manager to call for unity and inclusive participation. The article is informative on possible ways of enhancing cohesion as an essential aspect of achieving organizational success (Mach, Dolan and Tzafrir, 2010). Equally, the author notes with concern the necessity of applying the right approaches to solve any conflict that rises among members. Biased conflict resolution approaches promote disunity and misunderstanding among members. From the findings of the study, there is a close relationship between team cohesion and trust built upon each other (Mach, Dolan and Tzafrir, 2010). The authors note that with inclusivity in teams, much can be achieved as members re more united. The article is informative and will help establish facts on the topic of discussion.

Najmaei, in the year 2017, conducted a study to examine the impact of inclusive leadership in various work settings. The article explores ignored yet important strategic paradigms to leadership. In the article, the theme of gender equality emerges as a way of emphasizing for bias-free management and team members should be advised accordingly on the same (Najmaei, 2017). Women have the same ability as men in performing various tasks, making it necessary to be inclusive in every step of team activities. Gender biasness will only be detrimental to efforts to achieve a united team for improved performance. The research echoes the advantages of advocating for gender equality in any work setting (Najmaei, 2017). Biasness has no place in the 21st century, and team managers should embrace inclusivity as an approach to promote cohesion. The research is detailed enough to aid in arriving at a formidable conclusion on the topic of discussion.

Section B

Team managers at Royal Chase and Ball should devise an action plan to ensure that each group functions cohesively and in an inclusive manner. The first initiative that the leaders can embrace is ensuring that each individual within the team takes part in activities (Viljoen, 2016). Failure to involve members in every process disorients team spirit, which makes it difficult to administer unit and cohesion. As such, managers in teams working for RCB should be at the forefront of involving each member to contribute towards the achievement of set objectives. When some members within the group feel sidelined, it becomes hard for them to give their views during team activities. As such, each team must ensure that individuals are allowed to give their opinions in a bid to foster cohesion (Viljoen, 2016). The logic behind inclusivity is to avoid complains and conflicts that might arise as a result of biasness. As such, leaders must devise strategic approaches that can incorporate each view for mutual existence. RCB managers should be at the forefront of championing for team inclusivity for cohesion.

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The second action that the managers within teams can take is training to enhance the skills of handling members. RCB can advocate for developmental and training programs that are meant to boost professional skills for each individual within the work setting (Dobersek et al., 2014). The training should aim to promote handling of members through inclusive methods that promote cohesion. Lack of inclusivity in a team is an indication of lack of regard for diversity as a crucial prerequisite for success. Inclusivity requires that each view is put into consideration before deciding on the most appropriate approach to apply in manning team activities (Dobersek et al., 2014). The logic behind the training of top personnel within the institution is to boost their managerial skills. Furthermore, training exposes leaders to improved strategies handling and settling disputes, which promotes unity among members.

Royal Chase and Ball is an established company whose teams can achieve the required objectives, given the right call of action. The organization should advocate for proper utilization of individual strengths within the group as a way of tapping potential (Kirkman et al., 2002). The logic behind the utilization of strengths is to ensure that each individual does what they are best suited. Division and specialization of roles enhance innovative strategies that are important for better performance (Kirkman et al., 2002). Equally, ensuring that proper communication is enhanced can help bolster inclusivity and cohesion among members. As such, team cohesion and inclusivity plays a significant role in driving an organization to success.


Dobersek, U., Gershgoren, L., Becker, B. and Tenenbaum, G., 2014. The cohesion–performance relationship in sport: A 10-year retrospective meta-analysis. Sport Sciences for Health10(3), pp.165-177.

Kirkman, B.L., Rosen, B., Gibson, C.B., Tesluk, P.E. and McPherson, S.O., 2002. Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc. Academy of Management Perspectives16(3), pp.67-79.

Lacerenza, C.N., Marlow, S.L., Tannenbaum, S.I. and Salas, E., 2018. Team development interventions: Evidence-based approaches for improving teamwork. American Psychologist73(4), p.517.

Liang, H.Y., Shih, H.A. and Chiang, Y.H., 2015. Team diversity and team helping behavior: The mediating roles of team cooperation and team cohesion. European Management Journal33(1), pp.48-59.

Lorenzo, R. and Reeves, M., 2018. How and where diversity drives financial performance. Harvard Business Review30.

Mach, M., Dolan, S. and Tzafrir, S., 2010. The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology83(3), pp.771-794.

Najmaei, A., 2018. Revisiting the strategic leadership paradigm: A gender inclusive perspective. In Inclusive Leadership (pp. 203-228). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Riordan, C.M., 2014. Diversity is useless without inclusivity. Harvard Business Review5.

Ryan, M.K., Haslam, S.A., Morgenroth, T., Rink, F., Stoker, J. and Peters, K., 2016. Getting on top of the glass cliff: Reviewing a decade of evidence, explanations, and impact. The Leadership Quarterly27(3), pp.446-455.

Viljoen, R., 2016. The Phenomenon of Inclusivity. In Inclusive Organizational Transformation (pp. 82-102). Routledge.

Viljoen-Terblanche, R.C., 2008. Sustainable organisational transformation through inclusivity (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Africa).

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