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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

Essay on Evaluation on Personal Branding and Self-Development
Developing the perfect personal brand requires practice and dedication. Genuine expertise can only be achieved by hard work, sacrifice, and an honest, sometimes painful self-evaluation. It will take at least a decade to acquire expertise. One will need to make the most of their time by participating in “deliberate” practice, which focuses on activities above[...]
Essay on Conflict and Negotiation
Abstract Conflicts and negotiations are an everyday occurrence. Just like change, they are inevitable. Apart from being harmful, conflict can have its benefits in achieving desired objectives contrary to popular beliefs. Conflicts and negotiations are critical to the upward trajectory of any organization since they spur innovation and creativity. The main objective of the study[...]
Essay on Evaluating Argument: Soundness and Logic
The central claims presented by the articles are the importance and significance of health to all individuals. The article submits that health is vital to all individuals and should be dwelt within the utmost better way. The author stresses the importance of everyone getting vaccinated, and vaccines are commended for toddlers, children, youths, and adults.[...]
Essay on Europeans and Africans in the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Introduction Historically, slavery has been prevalent in Africa. Servitude and slavery systems were prevalent in various parts of Africa during ancient times. When various slave trades started, numerous local African slave systems that existed previously commenced supplying prisoners for slave markets to foreign regions that were not within Africa. Slavery in modern Africa is still[...]
Essay on Ethical Dilemma
Ideally, an ethical dilemma refers to a conflict that often arises based on two available choices, and in most cases, it focuses on some ethical principle that is hindered based on the two choices that are available to an individual. Subsequently, this case often focuses on the available options, and their resultant consequences based on[...]
Essay on Endangered Species
Problem overview Natural principles can affect the immediate labor market, potentially reduce wages and trade, and lead to redistribution in all regions. It is difficult to distinguish the labor market results of native guidelines because the guidelines usually apply to large areas such as the United States. Without any guidelines, experts cannot detect direct characters.[...]
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Essay on Emergency Operation Plan in Charles County Maryland
The state can successfully coordinate emergency operations thanks to emergency planning. As part of the strategy, the plan calls for getting ready to respond to a wide range of incidents, ranging from small local incidents to large national disasters. According to Maryland’s state operation plan (SROP), different units within the state have duties and responsibilities[...]
Essay on Effect of Organic Diet on Human Health
Introduction Discussions on organic food in the public discourse typically polarise and simplify the issue of whether organic or conventional foods are ‘better.’ This approach might be significant from a restricted consumer point of view since consumers typically concentrate their choices on items with or without an organic label. Therefore, this paper will provide examine[...]
Essay on Education Policy for Ells (English Language Learners)
Education is one of the critical factors in the country’s economic growth. With the continuous increase in the number of English language learners (ELLs), it’s essential to ensure that the education given to specific individuals is effective. Thus the specific education policy suggests that testing the ELLs from a younger age is essential and ensures[...]
Essay on Edgar Allen Poe’s Life Influence on His Writings
Introduction The growth and development process of Edgar Allen Poe’s life offered very depressing experiences, such as the death of his entire family. In turn, psychological and mental challenges he underwent were successfully presented through dark stories that resonated with horror literature that was an emerging theme during the early 2o century in America. Through[...]
Essay on Economic Environment of Business
Introduction Zimbabwe is located in southern Africa, and it is a landlocked country. The population was approximately 15.6 million in the year 2015. The economy of Zimbabwe is mainly dependent on agriculture and related businesses. Approximately 70% population is dependent on agricultural produce. At the same time, the entire agriculture sector contributes 18% of Zimbabwe’s[...]
Essay on Doing Business in BRICS Nations
Part 2: Government and Trade Trade Relationship between Countries In 1929, the United States developed diplomatic ties with South Africa. It views South Africa as a critical partner in health, security, and trade. South Africa has a vital political and economic goal in Africa, and the two countries have similar development goals in the African[...]
Essay on Distance Learning Module
Introduction Distance education involves education done across the globe at any time and location. Learners can learn at their own leisure without involving instructors during the training. In contemporary times, businesses are advancing towards distance learning and integrating it with e-learning through learning instructor. Describe the information conveyed to trainees in the distance learning module.[...]
Essay on Discretion and Ethics in the Justice and Judicial Systems
Introduction Discretion may only be applied to judgments made with legal authority, not those taken for unlawful purposes. Moreover, individuals inside an institution must have the legal power to make choices and work within the limits that others within the company or profession accept. This concept is helpful because it permits discretion to be addressed[...]
Essay on Different Family Roles in Young and Old Families
Conjugal Roles in the Society Today Introduction In the contemporary world, the contribution of both men and women is appreciated in society. Conjugal roles involve family responsibilities in the provision of childcare, financial support, and general housework. Over the years, household chores have been defined by gender, with men taking mostly leadership roles while women[...]
Essay on Differences in Elbow and Radioulnar Joint Muscle Activity
All vertebrate move when the muscles pull on the joints. The muscle joints are classified into three; freely movable, immovable and slightly movable. For instance, elbow and radioulnar joints are freely movable. Their articulation surfaces are separated by a layer known as hyaline cartilage. It is located between the upper and lower parts of the[...]
Essay on Decision-Making in Crisis
The decision-making process is a very crucial point in any organization. Every organization comes with challenges related to the decision-making process. However, having a sound mind decision-making process means solving the process by examining different solutions and deciding on how to go, although it is often not necessarily a smooth process, with a bit of[...]
Essay on Data and Networking
Introduction: The topologies of a network involve the configuration of nodes & connections in a certain method or pattern. In other terms, network topologies refer to how the system components which enable communication among network elements are organized in order to decrease mistakes, increase bandwidth, safeguard the system, & so on. In today’s environment, networking[...]
Essay on Cybercrime and Digital Forensic
In the modern world, cyberattacks have become a common practice within the many organizations around the globe. Attackers have now become more sophisticated, well-resourced and knowledgeable in launching skillful intrusions as they hand for data and information. Organizations have become the defenders of cyberattacks, and they ought to advance their operational practices to better proactive[...]
Essay on Customer Satisfaction Is Critical to Any Company
The executive summary Customer satisfaction is critical to any company’s performance and accomplishment. A firm that meets and explores the demands of its customers is more capable of overcoming the market competition and remain resilient in the system. The main issue for the Coca-Cola Company is customer satisfaction. The corporation has recently lost clients to[...]
Essay on Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is a currency in digital form. It’s virtual and secured with a cryptography that makes it infeasible to imitate. It is named ‘cryptocurrency’ due to the encryption techniques used to secure the network. They are not under the issue of any central authority and thus are immune to intervention or influence by government. Most[...]
Essay on Critically Reflect on the Orienteering Planning and How Peer Review Can Inform Teaching and Learning
With my partner, we collaborated to produce an overview of a Scheme of Work (SOW) which was intended for Year Seven pupils and spanned 6 lessons. Working in a pair to create this overview gave me an insight into the amount of time and effort which has to be allotted to producing such a document.[...]
Essay on Critically Evaluate the Nature of a Residential Experience for Primary Age Children
“Outdoor learning can benefit pupils of all ages and can be successful in a variety of settings, it enriches the curriculum and can improve educational attainment.” (Educational and Skills Select Committee, 2005) This quote does seem to aptly sum up the considerable benefits of Outdoor Education to an innumerable amount of pupils and its applications[...]
Essay on Critically Assess the Value of Oral Sources in Comparison to Written Documents
Oral sources are ‘an account of first hand experience recalled retrospectively, communicated to an interviewer for historical purposes’.[1] An oral source can be created concerning an event which happened recently, or many years previous. Other academic disciplines such as Sociology have their own definition.[2] During this essay I will assess the value of oral sources in comparison[...]
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