Mild Persistent Asthma: A Discussion

Published: 2021/12/28
Number of words: 687

Based on M. L’s described symptoms, an initial examination would most likely reveal she suffers from Mild Persistent Asthma. Such is so based on the expiratory wheezing from her examination report, the trouble when catching breath, and the “funny sounds” in the morning when she wakes up. Furthermore, the seasonal allergies experienced by her mother could also affect M. L hence the need to understand that she could also have asthma. Therefore, her continued playing of soccer could expose her to harmful dust that could trigger asthma. Nevertheless, the goal remains to treat her so that she can maintain her normal activity, to prevent her being woken at night, help with her itchy eyes and stop the runny nose, avoid possible adverse results due to medication, and prevent death (Montuschi, 2011). Therefore, other than proacting, the main objective for pharmacology, in this case, would be to control asthma.

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However, M. L can also undergo drug therapy under the instructions of a CNP. According to Montuschi (2011), the anti-inflammatory drug corticosteroids (ICS) consist among the best in terms of effectiveness in asthma control when inhaled. The CNP’s prescription should include inhaling in low dosage with respect to age specific NAEPP recommendations for chronic disease. ICS helps suppress elements of inflammation in the asthmatic airways, particularly when taken in prescribed low doses (Barnes, 2010). Furthermore, the CNP should ensure that M. L takes a short acting beta2 adrenergic agonist (SABA) bronchodilator which can, for instance be Proventil or Ventolin. This way, the patient will have quick relief of acute symptoms (Barnes, 2010).

Moreover, the CNP can follow the GINA guidelines whereby their will reassess the patient at least 3 months after treatment has started. From there, the CNP can decide whether to step-up of down on the treatment, such that when the symptoms are well-managed within the three months warrants a less intensive regimen (O’Byrne & Parameswaran, 2006). Otherwise, a long-term control medication is critical after the three months especially because it might prove useful as an alternative that the patient responds to well in the long-term. Other prescriptions that could apply in this case include OTC allergy medication such as Claritin and Zyrtec (O’Byrne & Parameswaran, 2006). The use of ICS and other therapies can critically help M. L treat asthma by essentially getting reasonable control of it (Barnes, 2010). Nevertheless, the drugs could prove less useful at times, which means that M. L should undergo measurement for her inflammatory response in her airway (O’Byrne & Parameswaran, 2006). According to O’Byrne & Parameswaran (2006), such can be done through induced sputum, which further provides guidance on the way forward regarding treatment.

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Health promotion recommendations for a teenager such as M. L would include having her take Long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs) in addition to ICS since the former alone might not effectively help stabilize asthma (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). Recommendations also include M. L remaining faithful to her treatment plan, having regular monitoring, and self-care as a priority. She should also prioritize cleaning to control dander and dust and consider times when she should be outside for long periods by using control pollen counts through weather applications (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). It is also critical to ensure M. L does not often come into contact with some perfumes, strong-scented household cleaning products, or other scent irritants that might exacerbate the asthma (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). M. L should always keep her inhaler close and other allergy medications, as well as remain critical of new diagnosis such as anxiety and depression that might follow her having to cope with this condition.


Barnes, P. J. (2010). Inhaled corticosteroids. Pharmaceuticals3(3), 514-540.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019, November 15). Treating asthma in children age 12 and older. Mayo Clinic.

Montuschi, P. (2011). Pharmacotherapy of patients with mild persistent asthma: Strategies and unresolved issues. Frontiers in Pharmacology2.

O’Byrne, P. M., & Parameswaran, K. (2006). Pharmacological management of mild or moderate persistent asthma. The Lancet368(9537), 794-803.

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