‘It is best if insolvent companies are liquidated as soon as possible and creditors paid out. Doing anything else with such companies is just not efficient’. INTRODUCTION It can be said that the actual development of the insolvency law has taken place over the last decade or so. Before, I embark on this paper, I[…]
Certain obligations are erga omnes jus cogens. Erga Omnes can be said to be the obligation while jus cogen is the norm which the state must be obliged to follow. These are a source of international law which are of a different nature than other sources of international law, whether they are derived from custom[…]
Q.1 The various money laundering provisions are designed to ensure that the banker spies on his clients. However, these provisions are justified under legislation designed to prevent and detect terrorism, fraud, drug trafficking and other criminal activity and do not threaten the banker/customer relationship. Critically discuss this statement. This question deals with the money laundering[…]
When we obey laws, in the sense of general abstract rules, laid down irrespective of their application to us, we are not subject to another man’s will and are therefore free.1 I consider a basic question: ‘If the rule of law imbues a legal system with legality does it also serve the interests of justice?’[…]
Collective bargaining gives employees a voice in determining their terms and conditions of employment.’ Is collective bargaining still the dominant trade union method in the UK? Do the alternatives to bargaining satisfy the expression of employee voice? Chapter 1 1. Introduction Collective bargaining is the method which is used by employees to negotiate and[…]
The European Commission, as ‘ Guardian of the Treaties ‘ has been given the role of supervising and enforcing the implementation of EU law. Under Article 211 of the EC Treaty i, the Commission has the general, and potentially far reaching power, to ‘ ensure that the provisions of this Treaty and the measures taken by the institutions pursuant[…]
Chapter 1 1. Introduction Collective bargaining is the method which is used by employees to negotiate and bargain better employment conditions with employers. Collective bargaining was predominately practiced by trade unions which consisted of employees, past employees and unemployed professional to enhance their bargaining influence on employers. However, there are findings which suggest that the[…]