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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

In the 1980’s many claims were made about the decline of US hegemony. Are such claims appropriate today?
In the 1980s, it was said that the United States was in its ‘fifth zenith’ of decline[1]. Many scholars worried that the United States was in a stage of hegemonic decline that was irreversible, and much analysis was done to attempt to outline the possible consequences of this decline on both the international and domestic[...]
The Effects of Globalisation on Less Developed Countries
What have been the main effects of globalisation on Less Developed Countries (LDCs)? This paper will critically analyse globalisation and how it has disadvantaged most of the poor nations. Further, the essay will introduce economic policies that have been developed, and how the multinational corporations have taken advantage of these policies in order to increase[...]
The use of genetic markers to predict disease susceptibility.
Can genetic markers be used to predict susceptibility to disease and disease phenotypes? It is rightly said that people’s curiosity drives their passion for knowledge. Acquiring knowledge becomes an adventure when there are codes that can reveal secrets. Ever since we were introduced to the reality of DNA and genes, we have been trying to[...]
Freedom from Fear or Freedom from Want? A Consideration of International and Human Security
‘Freedom from fear’ and ‘freedom from want’ (Human Development Report, UNDP, 1994): is there a difference between human security and international security? A simplistic understanding of ‘international security’ will refer only to security issues pertaining to the international sphere. Yet, of course, it is not that simple. There are many interpretations of the term and[...]
The role of person-centred therapy in empowering domestically abused women
Abstract This phenomenological study inquired into the role person-centred therapy plays in empowering domestically abused women. It attempted to shed light on the meaning of power and empowerment in therapy and psychological effects of domestic abuse on women. Women (n=15) who had been in person-centred therapy for six months and had experienced domestic abuse and[...]
Students’ perceptions of low-cost airlines
‘A century after Orville and Wilbur Wright built the first successful aircraft, the world has shrunk […]. Yet for the first half century of its existence, aviation was the exclusive privilege of the rich.’ (Calder, 2002, p. 2) What Calder means is that, although the travel industry has expanded people’s horizons by introducing them to[...]
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Future Opportunities and Challenges facing the International Television Industry
Essay Topic: Analyse the opportunities and challenges that international TV channels will face in the forthcoming years. This essay examines examples of international television channels in terms of the challenges and opportunities they are facing now and will face in the future. International television has grown, and is still growing, as viewers want more choice[...]
Managing Information Systems – an in-depth look at Tesco Plc.
CHAPTER 1 – Introduction 1.1. INTRODUCTION: In today’s world information is so vital and complex that there is a compulsion for innovative techniques that enables the processing and management of information for further usage. In this research an overall study of MIS (Management Information Systems) is conducted in terms of decision-making, optimisation of information and[...]
Europe in International Affairs: A review of the work of Christopher Hill
Review of The Capability-Expectations Gap, or Conceptualising Europe’s International Role, by Christopher Hill The recent furore over the ‘Reform Treaty’, which to some was a repackaged attempt to create and implement a European Constitution, has re-ignited the debate about the nature of Europe. What is Europe? What does it mean for a country to sign[...]
US foreign policy in the Middle East – the relevance of a Constructivist approach.
Foreign policy and international politics have been observed through a range of disparate and often competing theories, yet realism has somehow managed to consistently dominate the literature on foreign policy. Whilst it is true that, to some extent, all international relations (IR) theories make certain assumptions about state behaviour,1 the inability of realism to separate[...]
Social Capital Theory: Networks, Trust and Gender in Ethnic Economies
Most people who use social capital as a tool in research discussions often begin by noting the difficulty in its definitions, inconsistencies and weakness and the measurement problems in principle and practice of using the concept. Yet, by and large, and in spite of the multiple critics of the subject, the social capital literature has[...]
Russia – From Discovery to Perestroika
There is a spring from which gushes a stream of oil, in such abundance that a hundred ships may load there at once. Men come from a long distance to fetch this oil.[1] – Marco Polo Foreign interest in the oil-rich sands of Baku was aroused in the mid-15th century. It was the first oil[...]
An investigation of the rheological properties of concentrated polystyrene suspensions.
ABSTRACT Rheological properties of concentrated suspensions depend substantially on their structure; that is, on the formation of aggregates due to colloidal forces between particles. The aggregate size distribution is determined by the correlation between colloidal, Brownian and hydrodynamic forces in the system. Therefore, an investigation of the rheological properties of a suspension will provide valuable[...]
How do Traditional Traits of the Public Sector Affect Performance of HRD?
An overview of the dilemma and propose solutions Abstract This paper talks about the challenges faced by HRD Departments in the public sector due to the traditional traits. Due to these traits HRD struggles with retaining talent, delayed queries handling, and is often seen as an operational department rather than strategic one. The paper talks[...]
An analysis of Baulrillard’s simulacra and their role in digital representations in organisations
ABSTRACT This essay is an attempt to identify the complex relationships that exist between management, organisational change, power and information. From the point of view that the employee is an individual and that the individual is the entity at the core of how organisational surveillances occur, the crux of the argument is how power relations[...]
An examination of the unreformed electoral system and the 1832 Reform Act in Britain
Variously described as an exercise in political modernisation, the first step towards a democratic political system or an episode in the decline of aristocratic political power, the passing of the 1832 Reform Act in Britain has been the subject of much scholarly analysis and comment. Historians have disagreed on the political significance of the Act.[...]
A review of xenobiotic acyl CoA thioester formation
Abstract From the time unknown, invention and innovation have been vital for human development. In the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical companies have worked extensively on developing new entities that have become therapeutic for diseases. However, these companies face problems with poor revenue generation; without revenue, they cannot develop new drugs. The problems are mainly due to[...]
The oil industry in Azerbaijan and the need for forecasting activities
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Azerbaijan obtained a status of independence and became a self-governing republic. During the weak transition conditions, the country had to mainly rely on extractive industries, particularly on oil and gas resources, as main engines of economic recovery. The petroleum industry plays a major role in the[...]
The role of perceptual and conceptual similarity in early word – and referent processing in a preferential looking task
Introduction It has been commonly reported in diary reports (Rescorla, 1979) and confirmed in empirical research (Thomson and Chapman, 1977; Fremgen and Fay, 1980; Gelman and Naigles, 1995) that children aged one to two years generalise word meanings to a wider collection of objects than adults would consider appropriate. For example, a child may refer[...]
Exploring person/organisation fit and appraisal and reward options for small to medium enterprises.
An informative e-mail to Kamala Balu, CEO, exploring how to achieve person / organisation fit when recruiting and selecting staff for Benkleys Dear Ms. Kamala Balu, Any organisational intervention needs to be preceded and substantiated by an adequate diagnosis of the current situation, in order to predict its outcomes, in terms of benefits and risks.[...]
An examination of the main changes in Japanese HRM over the past 10 – 20 years, as well as highlighting the driving forces that brought about these changes.
Introduction The bursting of the “economic bubble” in the late 1980s and early 1990s, together with fundamental changes in the business environment, has made the Japanese economy alternate between periods of Heisei recession, which in turn has seriously affected employment (Benson and Debroux 2004) (see Table 1). The irony of Japanese economic decline is that[...]
Marketing Channels and Logistics: A Case Study of Pepsi International.
Introduction When a company enters a foreign market, the distribution strategy and channel it uses are keys to its success in the market, as well as market know-how and customer knowledge and understanding (Bellhouse and Hutchison, 1993; Ilonen,et al., 2011). Because an effective distribution strategy under efficient supply-chain management opens doors for attaining competitive advantage[...]
(Re)presenting Masculinity: Crises, Superheroes, Androgyny.
Introduction The sexes are now considered to be largely pliable to the point where they can be considered as no more than a rough signifier of gender. This is a consequence of both the research that has been carried out by scholars in the area of gender as well as the development of disciplines such[...]
An investigation into restart errors and the effectiveness of cues presented under high memory working load
ABSTRACT Human error is an unintentional activity caused by decision-making failure. In addition, the criticality of human error is not directly measurable but rather inferred from performance. This paper describes the experimental methodology used to investigate restart errors in procedural steps. The aim is to study the design issues with the occurrence of procedural errors[...]
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