Essay on Work Place Stress

Published: 2021/12/06
Number of words: 909


Work place stress implies to harmful physical and emotional responses that usually occur when there exists a conflict between the demands at the work place on an employee and the control levels the employee has over meeting the demands. Work place stress can originate from a single event in the work place or from multiple sources but have a significant impact on the employee, and the employer alike. This essay is focused on utilizing different ways of thinking to find solutions for the stress in the work place setting.

Most business entities are molded on the value preposition canvas principle in organizations based on the value preposition canvas principles the customer is the most valuable assets and all organizational setting are based on market research to find the profiles of different customers and their value maps. With business profits being the key objective in the business entity, most of the institutional frameworks are focused of customer satisfaction with the interests of the workers being of lesser priority. Based on this business mentality, the employees are regarded as a means to an end in the institutional framework leaving them prone to work place stress.

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Work place stress causes can be classified as into two main groups’ physical stressors such as noise, poor lighting, poor working conditions and ergonomic factors and physiological stressors high job demands, working hours inflexibility, poor job control, poorly designed work structure, job insecurity, harassment and bullying in the work place (Ahmad et al 2015). Of the two sources of stress in the work place research has demonstrated the though physical sources of stress have a significantly lower impact as compared to the physiological factors. Stress in the work place has significant impact on the employee, the employer and the overall performance of the business entity. The impacts of workplace stress occur in continuum, it starts with a worker feeling distressed in response to stressors in the work place, the distress lead to a workers mental and physical health problems, workers mental and physical health problems eventually result to reduced business performance and a reduction in the organizational revenue (Greeshma et al 2018).

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Based on the fact that stress in the work place has negative impacts on the employee’s performance and the overall profitability of a business entity, all organizations should adopt a system of controlling workplace stress (Holman, Johnson, and O’Connor, 2018). The work place stress reduction policy should incorporate primary interventions such as redesigning the work place, increased employee participation in business decisions, matching the job demands with employee skills and level of training, creating a safe work environment, and developing clear promotion and reward systems (Holman, Johnson, and O’Connor, 2018). Secondary workplace stress reduction interventions such as developing employee workplace education and training programs, facilitating cognitive behavioral therapy for all members of the workforce and routine health surveillance sessions with the workers should also be incorporated in the organizational work place stress reduction policy (Jain, and Batra, 2015). As part of the organizational work place stress reduction policy, every organization should also have a tertiary intervention framework in place. The tertiary interventions will provide control solutions for employees who have already suffered different types of illnesses as a result of workplace stress (Lampech, 2017). By having an organizational policy framework for the reduction and control of work pace stress the physical and mental health implication of workplace stress will be reduced.


Work place stress implies to harmful physical and emotional responses that usually occur when there exists a conflict between the demands at the work place on an employee and the control levels the employee has over meeting the demands. Work place stress has negative impacts on the employee’s performance and the overall profitability of a business entity. All business entities should adopt an organizational policy for controlling workplace stress.


Ahmad, A., Hussain, A., Saleem, M. Q., & Qureshi, M. A. M. (2015). Workplace Stress: A Critical Insight of Causes, Effects and Interventions. Technical Journal, University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Taxila, Pakistan, 20(II), 46, 48. Retrieved from:

Greeshma, B., Priya, G. I., Aswathy, B., & Janani, S. (2018). Stress Management in the Workplace- Challenges Faced By HR. Journal of Business and Management, 20(4), 33-36. Retrieved from:

Holman, D., Johnson, S., & O’Connor, E. (2018). Stress management interventions: Improving subjective psychological well-being in the workplace. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers. 2. Retrieved from:

Jain, P. & Batra, A. (2015). Occupational Stress at Workplace: Study of the Corporate Sector in India. Journal of Business and Management, 17(1), 13-21. Retrieved from:

Lampech, W. (2017). HR Strategies to Manage Stress in the Workplace. Retrieved from:

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