Essay on Professional Digital Innovation in Biological Asset Management

Published: 2021/11/18
Number of words: 2221


Practice within the professional context has changed to a large extent due to digital transformation that has swept the world lately. Digital transformation involves the incorporation of technology in workflows and ensuring that it has a meaningful purpose (Verma and Verma, 2014. Pg.19). Some scholars argue that innovation occurs when technology meets the social demand within a society. It is important to examine the role of technology in spearheading changes in practice across many sectors worldwide. For instance, the automation of various processes is a major development that has since shaped operations for organizations, institutions, and individuals within a society. To some extent, the assertion that technology is the backbone of most social practices makes sense (Carpo, 2017, pg.159). This is because most practices have been impacted by technology and the use of machines to a large extent. Besides technology, social institutions, population, and the environment constitute important factors that influence the formation of new social practices (Rosner, Roccetti and Marfia, 2014, pg.82). An examination of the aspects helps the community gain a deeper insight into the state of social affairs and what shapes their scope. The paper seeks to examine factors that impact the formation of new social practices within the digital context.

Conditions that Impact Formation of New Social Practices

Technology is an important aspect within society has it has proved to be in the last few years. It is important to examine the role of professionals in various fields and how their work has been transformed in a few years (Verma and Verma, 2014. Pg.22). A close examination of the society before the transformation indicates that there was no prediction for high advancement in the sector. Besides, innovation will only make sense when it is applied by many people within society. In the past, people had to use different forms of payment, but the most commonly used was cash and bank transactions. With innovations, the work of financial institutions and professionals has changed due to the automation of various processes. As such, digital transformation is encouraging accuracy and efficiency by introducing the use of machines in different capacities (Ratto, 2011, pg.252). An example of an innovation that is taking effect at a high rate is the use of the cryptocurrency as an alternative form of money. Technology impacts social theory practice in a positive way to improve the way of life within society.

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Technology advancement impacts social change in society in a negative and positive manner. It is vital to state how the application of technology has hindered the development of new social practices in the era of digital collaboration (Ratto, 2011, pg.230). The world currently is facing a technological surge where the practice has been incorporated to produce better results for the organization and various individuals in society. For instance, the application of technology in practice has led to the development of inappropriate social skills, which are affecting service delivery in a significant manner. The use of digital technology and the internet at workplaces is encouraging laxity, which is changing social practice (Gram-Hanssen, 2011, g.61). As such, it is important to view the effect of technology from both perspectives and establish how it impacts workflows within the digital context. Machines depend on the user for commands to perform a function. Over-reliance of practice on technology jeopardizes the position of an individual or organization performing the work without technology. Technology is destructive, depending on how it can be used but constructive in many cases (Spaargaren, 2011, pg.813). Technology is useful when it meets the needs or expectations of consumers in a particular aspect.

Institutions within society are important players in different ways as they contribute to the formation of social practices. For instance, many organizations in the world are finding it easy o collaborate for them to produce a stronger effect in the market (Carpo, 2017, pg.140). The integration of various processes by the use of machines has made workflows easy to handle. Judicial institutions are responsible for instilling justice within society. To some extent, such institutions contribute to the formation of new practices as directed by courtrooms. Equally, institutions such as schools are always at the forefront of initiating societal changes, especially those in various practices Gram-Hanssen, 2011, g.65). When social institutions purpose to change or initiate change in society, they can do so through protocols that are socially acceptable. Institutions collaborate to produce an effect within society through the help of technology (Spaargaren, 2011, pg.817). Digitization in the recent past has contributed to a shift in practice, which is more reliant on technology. Equally, institutions can hinder the development of new social practices through the enactment of laws and the establishment of frameworks in regards to the same.

Institutions help shape professionalism in most practices with the help of technological collaboration. For instance, communication is one area that has advanced in the digital era to a large extent. People can use social media to send and share various messages from different parts of the world (Suddaby and Viale, 2011, pg.428). It is through collaborative technology that such advancement is made in society. To some, social media platforms are res of work, which is a clear indication of how it affects practice. Some companies register low performance due to employees’ activity on various activities that do not add value. Technology has simplified the issue by introducing cameras that are used to record details for workflows. The fact that technology is helping various practices connect and share experiences at the workplace makes digitization an important aspect in the shaping of new work practices (Goodrick and Reay, 2011. Pg.372). In some circumstances, workflows share information that is crucial in the development of new ideas for society. Healthcare is one area that applies technology collaboratively to a large extent. The ICU rooms are fitted with automated machines, which are meant to perform various functions. It is through collaborative practice that innovation is realized in most cases.

The environment plays a crucial role in shaping new practices across many divides in the world. Its impact on practice as far as collaborative technology is involved is significant to workflows and shaping society. There are many aspects of the environment that affect practice, and it is important to examine each of them.

Political actors within an environment have a contribution to make towards practice in regard to technological collaboration. It is through political practice that legislation is put in place to govern practice and social behavior within society. As such, the role of the government in ensuring digital transformation is significant in each country. Political actors can sanction the use of a specific technology within its territory for various reasons. The state can cite safety and health concerns for workers as some of the reasons why a particular technology cannot be used. As such, it is the role of political actors to shape new practices within society.

Professionals in various sectors of the economy are motivated to work for remuneration, which helps them raise their standards of living. It is important to note that rewarding professionals help boost morale at workplaces. Even so, collaborative practice is made possible by economic support within any society (Goodrick and Reay, 2011. Pg.372). Resources are a major problem in many situations since obtaining supportive technology is quite expensive. For instance, practices such as engineering, medicine, and computer science highly depend on technological advancements to perform various functions pertaining to the workflow. However, some of the machines used are expensive and depend on the economic strength of a country to implement long-lasting technological changes (Rosner, Roccetti and Marfia, 2014, pg.85). For instance, it is the government to put in place an infrastructure that supports collaborative practice within society. The economic condition of the environment is an important factor in shaping new practices within a collaborative context.

The level of social development and transformation that society has undergone affects practice within the same community significantly. Social factors, such as culture and behavior, change practice in many circumstances (Goodrick and Reay, 2011. Pg.350). For instance, if a society has a culture of applying scientific skills in the execution of operations, there is a likelihood that it can embrace professional innovation and competition. Social factors within the environment have a significant say on how and when society changes.

The advancements that have been made before play a role in collaborative practice for many professional fields. Digital technology has replaced old, outdated ways of carrying out practice and introduced strategic approaches (Suddaby and Viale, 2011, pg.400). The use of technology is essential and supportive of professional inventions that can help transform society. A technology supporting environment is necessary for the formation of new practices.

The population of a place determines when there should be change within the community. For instance, when a population grows within society, some social practices might be affected due to behavior exhibited by the population (Johnston, 2010, pg.217). Digital transformation is necessary for society; they serve to meet the needs of a population. It is important to note that the population might increase in one nation while decreasing in another. Equally, births in one country can be high, while elsewhere they are low (Mneimneh et al., 2913, pg.574). Population dynamics affect all aspects of society, including collaborative technology in practice. When an organization has many professionals as employees, there is a need to integrate more equipment that can promote collaborative practice at different levels. Population changes occur due to different factors, including natural calamities, climate change, or a change in other institutions within the system (Goodrick and Reay, 2011. Pg.372). When population changes happen, institutions in existence change their operations to suit the needs of the population. As such, the population plays a crucial role in the bargain for improved workflows. Machines are used to gather information necessary on population, which in turn can be used to change workflow conditions.

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Population change affects the functioning of social institutions that are responsible for shaping new social practices in society. Research indicates that countries with high fertility a rate are unable to control challenges associated with high population growth (Mneimneh et al., 2913, pg.571). In essence, the increase in the population gets out of control to the extent of causing problems to such nations. A high population requires a country to use integrated mechanisms to control social theory within a collaborative digitization process. A mechanism that has developed out of collaborative practice is family planning, which is widely applied by many women across the world (Johnston, 2010, pg.230). The advancement in the healthcare sector has been made possible through the digitization of medicine as a discipline. Technology remains to be a vital aspect of a population as it can help improve the state of society, and it is essential that changes realized in practice be noted.


To sum it up, society and practice have changed due to the application of technology in most social processes. For instance, the application of digital technology in banking has enabled people to use more convenient forms of payment. The report explores conditions that impact the formation of new social processes within society. To meet the requirements of the report, a close examination of factors such as social institutions, the environment, and technology was necessary. Technology is the most significant aspect that has promoted collaborative practices. However, the environment and other aspects, such as political actors, have a significant impact on practice and its outcomes. Engineers, doctors, and other professionals are finding it easy to integrate digital technology and practice, an aspect that has led to innovation in different sectors. The use of machines at the workplace to communicate or conduct any work is indicative of the need for technology as a solution to specified social issues. The report illustrates different aspects that make digitization of practice an important change in society.


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