Essay on Oral Health Promotion

Published: 2021/11/17
Number of words: 2274

Oral health desires. Oral health presents infection through periodontal disease, dental fluorosis, and oral tumors prostatic and malocclusion, which grounds discomfort on the patients (Ustenko et al., 2018). This comfort needs the victim to seek a professional guide in the facility from the dentist. Periodical diseases are the third most listed prevalent oral condition. The text below is the project of oral health promotion where we have gathered different information from different genders and ages.

My goal in this project is to do away with the periodical diseases which affect the patients and improve health in the community. Oral health is an ordinary of the oral and interrelated tissues which allow an individual to speak, eat, and socialize without active disease, embarrassment, or discomfort, which subsidizes general well-being. Overlooking the hygiene habits may lead to discomfort and pain in children. Oral care is not conveyed to the same extent or the same priority; perhaps oral diseases are not terminal conditions or life-threatening like other diseases.

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Besides discomfort and pain, oral health impacts a patient’s general health, resulting in cardiovascular diseases and ulcers. These diseases will further lead to various discomforts and medical expenses (Flora et al., 2019). Normally, dental health affects someone’s social well-being and appearance throughout their life. The control of dental defects and diseases and the formation of good oral hygiene are accomplished best during childhood. Children always copy and learn best by imitating the adults around them. Hence it is significant to educate the adults for the improvement in the children.

Health Promotion Concepts

Healthy Build Public Policy

Health promotion is beyond health care. It gives health an agenda to policymakers at all levels and sectors, giving them direction and awareness of health consequences.

Decisions and accept the health responsibilities. It combines wide but complementary approaches like fiscal measures, legislation, organization change, and taxation. It needs the obstacle identification to the healthy public policies adoption in non-health sectors, and how to remove them. Beneficence and veracity this is because the information was mainly focused on the improvement of services. An example is interviewing the patient on the forms of services that they have received in the process. It makes them uncomfortable and even suspects the services.

Create Supportive Environments

Our societies are interrelated and complex. Health cannot be separated from other goals. Changing life patterns, leisure and work have an important impact on a steadily changing environment, especially in work, technology, production, energy, and urbanization (Mohamed et al., 2020). Society should organize work to create a healthy society. Built environment and nature protection and the natural conversion resources should be addressed in any health promotion method. The survey team and the clients were in a position of understanding what our real intent was, and in the process, they got attracted to

Strengthen Community Actions

Health promotion works through effective and concrete community action in making decisions, setting priorities, planning strategies, and implanting them for better health. Community development draws material resources and existing material to enhance social support, self-help, and flexible system development for public participation strength. It holds that accrediting the institutions requires establishing international standards that hold cultural and environmental values towards offering services that attain the required quality. With the survey, some clients wanted to present their concerning the nursing services and even wanted change.

Develop personal skills

Health promotion supports social and personal development through providing education for health, information, and enhancing life skills. It also increases the available options for people to access their health over their environments and make decisions conducive to them. Enabling individuals to learn and prepare themselves throughout life to get used to injuries and chronic illness is essential. A patient can quickly return to the old habits that were the focus of the change. Therefore, it requires critical follow-up on the patient to ensure that the patients are maintained through the changing period.

Reorient Health services

The health promotion responsibility is shared among community groups, individuals, health professionals, governments, and health service institutions. Reorienting requires stronger attention to changes and research in training and professional education (Afshari et al., 2019). It also ascertains that private healthcare organizations have accreditation capabilities by providing standardized equipment and essential facilities and performing health guidelines that follow protocols. It holds that accrediting the institutions requires establishing international standards that hold cultural and environmental values towards offering services that attain the required quality. It leads to a change of organization and attitude of health services to enforce the total need of each individual.

Moving into future

Health is created by caring for others and oneself, controlling and making decisions over life circumstances. this is to ensure the society is living in good conditions that allow the health attainment by all its members. Ecology, caring, and holism are vital issues in strategy development for health promotion. Hence, the involved should think of a guiding principle that men and women must be equal partners in each planning phase, evaluation, and implementation of health promotion services.

Ottawa Charter and Alma Ata Declaration

The Ottawa charter was the first international health promotion conference. The action charter was to achieve health by 2000 and beyond. This was a primary response conference to growing expectations for the modern public health movement around the world (Fong 2020). The discussion was mainly focused on the industrialized countries’ needs, but the concerns account was similar in all regions. It was but on the evolvement that made the Primary Health Care Declaration at Alma Ata, which was the target of the World Health Organization for health all document, and the latest debate on intersectoral at the World Health Organization.

In addition, Alma-Ata Declaration starts by saying that health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being, and not just the absence of infirmity or disease is a vital human right. The highest possible attained level of health is the more significant worldwide social goal (Priya et al., 20219). It proceeds for all governments, nevertheless of conflicts and politics of working on global health. Those who endorsed the Alma-Ata Declaration hoped that achieving health was the first step by the year 2000. The Alma-Ata Declaration still stands since it has not been achieved. It is a future outline for international healthcare.

Process Evaluation

Over-accentuating on the other types, outcome evaluation, especially in process evaluation, is wrong to the sector and non-profits. This is because the process evaluation only allows a non-profit to check on how it creates itself, its supporting programs, for instance, communication, its structures, and marketing, and can also fund development to be in touch with the outcomes and everyone who wants to achieve. The article states that for the change to occur to the private healthcare facilities in the accreditation process, it should provide the organizations with patient verification and safety that achieves the required quality care program.

The model is tested at the Joint Commission International for improving the safety of patients across countries. It factored more on safety, patient autonomy, and ethical considerations. The model brought an organizational change that was transformational through engaging in an independent style of management where departmental leaders engaged in individualized considerations by being mentors, coaches, and guides to their followers. Moreover, there were inspirational, motivational, idealized influences where leaders became role models and the intellectual stimulation which challenged leaders’ assumption in taking risks and soliciting ideas.

Outcome Evaluation

It’s an evaluation that is commonly requested. Outcome evaluation considers the efficiency of a program in some sectors, like producing change. Normally, focus on challenging tasks that ask what affected the participants of the program. It also shows how much far the program has taken them. It helps them to know how to solve issues related to nursing practice. In most cases, it’s used as a reference in nursing practice.

Outcome or Impact evaluations are commenced when it is significant to tell how and whether the program was met or the project’s objectives. For instance, smoking cessation questions might include: Did you managed to help people stop smoking? (Peiris et al., 2019) In the text today am going to talk about nursing history to today’s professional nursing and the effect of nursing on roles of professional nursing and in the future.

Presentation Response

According to the pre-presentation survey, the action and response are not encouraging because the majority give negative answers than expected. Most individuals don’t take visiting the dentist as something significant. They only visit the dentist in case of a problem, and others don’t. For instance, number 12, age limit 36-45, only visits the dentist when he has a toothache. In pre-presentation, my goal and objectives are not that successful because most people are not informed.

Goals and objectives are unsuccessful in the pre-presentation survey. The majority of the responses from the questioners fail to prevent and control oral diseases. Nobody has ever decided to visit the dentist just for a check-up. Most of them wait for toothache or any other condition that they remember to rush to the dentist. Others have never dared to go even a single day. When someone responds that he can’t remember the last time he visited the dentist, that is a clear indication that there is a possibility that he has never gone for a check-up.

In addition, those who visit the dentist once a year and still have no idea about the importance of oral health care are still not secure from oral and craniofacial disease or conditions. This is because they may succeed and keep visiting the dentist annually, but their diet is poor. When you have no idea the type of food that is harmful to your teeth and health when carelessly consumed or excess, they will cause numerous conditions. Foods like sweets and excess sugar cause tooth cavities, and it will affect the dental formula.

The language barrier is also another challenge in pre-presentation surveys. If an individual is not familiar with the language, he can’t understand the instructions given. For example, in the pre-presentation survey, at 46 years and she visited the dentist ten years ago. Her visit seems to be unsuccessful because she responded that she has no courage with the dentist—the shortest period recorded about visiting the dentist in five years which is still unhealthy. The more confident you understand the oral health instructions given, the keener you will keep your heal.

After the presentation survey, the goals and objectives are achieved because of the positive response than before. Have understood the significance of oral hygiene or routine care. People were also interested in finding other different alternatives for oral caring. The control of dental defects and diseases and the formation of good oral hygiene are accomplished best during childhood. Children always copy and learn best by imitating the adults around them. Hence it is significant to educate the adults for the improvement in the children. The diet also is well understood since its one of the key factors of routine care. The goal and objectives are achieved after the presentation.

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I recommend one of the progressions of action: reconsidering the time created for the pre and post-presentation survey and other technical characteristics. I appreciate the trust you have shown in inviting me to participate in this phase of the Oral health project, and I am looking forward to working with you again on any follow-up activities. I am so happy with the peace and cooperation you have shown me.

In conclusion, this report has discussed oral health hygiene and argued that it is significant to maintain Oral hygiene. Visiting the dentist regularly and proper diet is also essential. When Oral hygiene is properly kept, someone has the freedom to enjoy his comfort than when he has a condition that affects even the facial appearance. At times these conditions may cause some diseases like ulcers and other diseases caused by Improper Oral hygiene. It is also recommended that is got to brush your teeth after meals and also before you sleep. Sugary food and cakes should also consume with limits. Individuals should also be open with dentists, and they consider the language they are familiar with.


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