Essay on Introduction to Astronomy

Published: 2021/11/15
Number of words: 670

Astronomy is a branch of natural science that deals with the study of celestial bodies and their occurrence. It is vital to understand how astronomy has impacted the development of civilization and society. Equally, it is critical to note that the discipline has significantly affected religion, theology, and other aspects within the society (Rothman 115). It is through astronomy that science cropped up, which has proved to help answer several questions. The development of science to end myths and misconceptions about the existence of the earth is a strong indicator of development in human civilization. Civilization is the way things are done in society to embrace technology, which has since contributed significantly to the development of the society in different ways (Rothman 125). The development of science has led to the erosion of retrogressive culture in many societies, leading to civilization globally. Indeed, astronomy has contributed significantly to the development of civilization and the society in general.

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Astronomy has impacted philosophy as many philosophers, such as Plato, took an initiative to study the natural phenomenon. Studying concepts that revolve on the solar systems allows many to gain an overview of the philosophy of astronomy (Ragep and Alī al-Qūshjī 49). The study of the scope of a particular celestial body and its occurrence required t6he input of philosophers. Theology and religion are two disciplines that have been affected by practices of astronomy. For instance, some religious leaders strongly condemned early philosophers on astronomy, some of whom ended up in prison. Archeological evidence indicates that religion and astronomy are closely related as celestial bodies were aspects of worship during the Stone Age period (Ragep and Alī al-Qūshjī 60). Astronomical photographs and paintings were used in ancient times to show regard to the creator in religion. As such, theology and religion have been developed to some extent by advancements in astronomy.

Astronomy has developed the fields of philosophy, religion and theology, and civilization and society to a large extent. It is important to examine the current relationship between astronomy and the disciplines listed Barker and Goldstein 98). For instance, astronomy helps many learners to understand the scope of celestial bodies and their formation. Pictures used to supplement religion in the past have been since stored and are used to understand the link between early Christianity and modernity. Philosophy is being affected to a large extent as studies that encompass the universe, and its formation are part of the discipline (Barker and Goldstein 88). Science has advanced in the recent past to promote globalization that has made communication worldwide easier. In essence, advancements in astronomy have boosted efforts to enhance civilization and a developed society.

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In future, more developments in the astrological field are expected due to the advancements and innovations experienced in the field of science (Shipman 530). For instance, it is expected that the society will be more civilized due to advancements that boost communication and social relationships. Equally, some aspects need clarity in the field of philosophy and theology. Such information can be brought to light through advanced astrological activities (Shipman 526). Astronomy will ensure that questions regarding the formation and existence of celestial bodies be known to both Christians and scientists. Religion is slowly drifting due to scientific information that is erupting daily. Religion is becoming weaker due to knowledge of the formation and existence of celestial bodies. As such, astronomy is expected to impact the future of religion and theology, civilization and society, and philosophy significantly.

Works Cited

Barker, Peter, and Bernard R. Goldstein. “Theological foundations of Kepler’s astronomy.” Osiris 16 (2001): 88-113.

Ragep, F. Jamil, and Alī al-Qūshjī. “Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science.” Osiris 16 (2001): 49-71.

Rothman, Aviva. “From cosmos to confession: Kepler and the connection between astronomical and religious truth.” Change and Continuity in Early Modern Cosmology. Springer, Dordrecht, 2011. 115-133.

Shipman, Harry L., et al. “Changes in student views of religion and science in a college astronomy course.” Science Education 86.4 (2002): 526-547.

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