Essay On in What Ways Does Race and Mixedness Influence Educational Outcomes?

Published: 2021/11/15
Number of words: 4612


Race is a multifaceted concept that has continuously affected educational outcomes in many institutions globally. Race refers to a group of people within society who have differences and similarities that are deemed to be crucial by the community. When people presume such matters as important, they treat others based on perception of their race (Sarich, 2018). Racism is the prejudice accorded to an individual based on their biological complexion, presumed to be a race. It is essential to understand the concept of race and how it has impacted outcomes for students in institutions. Statistics indicate that disparities are highly notable in education as far as race is concerned. Educational practitioners have tried to solve the matter but have not yet achieved desirable equality standards. Mixedness in the society can help neutralize the effect of raci9sm to students in various learning institutions worldwide. As such, race and mixedness are two concepts that have impacted and continue to change the education sector on a global front. Ethnicity and race are significant factors that have altered performance in schools. The report aims to examine the issue of disproportionate school exclusions within the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. Students and learners from minority groups are the most affected with prejudice, especially blacks (Winant, 2015). Equally, the study will look into the matter of stereotyping specific races, which impacts the abilities of learners in different ways. There is a disproportionate representation in the register for special needs for social, emotional and behavioral difficulties (SEBD). It is vital t understand how the phenomenon of race influences registration and representation of such individuals worldwide, laying emphasis in the United Kingdom. Ethnicity/race has contributed to a persistent trend in under attainment of scores in various tests within schools. One of the reasons why minority groups are showing underperformance in class is racism, which affects them in one way or the other. Other possible impacts include characterization of youth culture as anti-social, the effect on school funding, teacher attitudes and educational opportunities. The research needs to establish how race has promoted or contributed to each of the listed impacts (Winant, 2015). Mixed race is a matter that has risen recently and taken effect in the world population, especially within England. The paper seeks to answer the question, “In what ways does race and mixedness influence educational outcomes?”

Race and Ethnicity as a Social Construct

People from different races are genetically similar, which explains why race is regarded as a social construct. Equally, people from the same ethnic group share the same cultural practices that they easily identify with. For instance, one is regarded as black because of their skin color or country of origin. In essence, nationality, culture, social practices, tribes and origin define one’s ethnic background (Cole, 2011). The fact that society radically speaks against the vice does not end the rivalry and discrimination that can be witnessed in schools. Race has continually affected the performance of students dismally in many ways. Inequalities are witnessed all over, especially for institutions presumed to belong to blacks. If the system is committed to ending prejudice against blacks and other minorities, there is a need to put 100% effort as there is a significant in educational outcomes (Winant, 2015). It is the collective responsibility of the society to put behind such stereotyping for equality among students in various learning institutions, especially in the United Kingdom.

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Sharing of a common culture is an aspect that groups people together regardless of where they are in the world. in England, native white students represent over 65% of the total number, which indicate that the rest of the students are minorities. Educational reforms in England should focus on reducing the disparities and prejudice for improved performance. The themes that are discussed in the paper are important in understanding why some students perform poorly, while others excel within the United Kingdom (Ortiz and Jani, 2010). Equally, the issues indicate how racism is an international disaster that has derailed academic performance in various institutions globally. The report will lay emphasis on explaining each of the ways that race/ethnicity has impacted performance in the educational context.

Impact 1: Persistent Trend in Under Attainment

Race has affected the educational sector by contributing largely to under attainment, especially for minority groups within the United Kingdom. Statistics indicate that 32% of the schools in the UK are from BAME backgrounds, which is an indication of how they are probably suffering in the hands of racism (Gillborn, 2015). It is critical to understand how educational experiences for children in such schools are affected. BAME schools in the UK are characterized by persistent under attainment in various test scores. Students who are subjected to racism are unlikely to do better in their examinations and tests for various reasons (Gillborn, 2015). Some ethnic communities within the society are associated with poor a background, which affects the social wellbeing of students from such communities. For instance, blacks within the UK are regarded as minorities who have a poor economic background. Most black students learn public schools where resources are not fully availed as compared to expensive private institutions meant for the rich. Such prejudice against black students has translated to poor performance in their academic scores. There is a need to reduce the disparities that are notable in the education sector due to racial alignments that are hurting educational outcomes for minority students (Arday and Mirza, 2018). Every stakeholder in the education sector should be at the forefront of championing equity in the system to enhance performance.

Another reason for the underperformance of minority groups is the idea of a teacher who teaches them. Less experienced teachers teach most public schools in the UK as they prefer teaching in private schooling. The fact less experienced practitioners teach them compromises the quality of education that they are likely to receive (Gillborn, 2015). In the event, results for black students have persistently remained low because of the effect of racism in the United Kingdom. According to census statistics in the year 2017, there are over 7 million students in the United Kingdom, of whom 68% are white British, representing the largest ethnic group. White other students were 6%, Pakistan 4%, Black African 4%, Indian 3% and Bangladesh 2%. Performance in the country indicated that most disadvantaged students are from minority groups, a reason that well explains why they are performing poorly (Arday and Mirza, 2018). Racism and ethnicity reap minority students the chance to enjoy the experience of learning in a multicultural context such as the United Kingdom. White British students are the most advantaged when it comes to race in the educational sector. Ethnic backgrounds and racism have both contributed to under attainment for minority students within the UK.

Impact 2: Biasness and Stereotyping

Blacks and other minority group students have continually faced situations of biasness and stereotyping in education. Teachers and the society hold some beliefs based on racial grounds that imply mistreatment. Such perceptions are hurting performance in many institutions, especially for the case of minorities within the United Kingdom (Stenson and Waddington, 2013). For instance, a teacher can decide to award low marks to a black student for no reason. Such incidences are evident in many institutions as contributed by the high level of racism witnessed in the country. Biasness in schools has made it difficult for bright minority students to be awarded an academic opportunity. Opportunities that arise in most cases are accorded to natives, a matter that has promoted racism in the country. Equally, students in the same learning institutions behave with prejudice, which hurts minorities, disadvantaging them academically. There is a need for the system to find a way of achieving equality in the education sector as a way of addressing disparities notable as a result of racism (Robinson and Gardner, 2013). Biasness can also make an institution fail to get a good performance form a minority group student. Notably, not all minority students perform poorly in their exams. Those who perform well can be influenced to perform poorly due to biasness within an institution.

Some students perform better in environments that racially favor them, especially in cases where they are natives. For instance, a White Briton in institutions dominated by Whites is likely to perform better than minorities. This is because stereotyping in institutions affects a learner’s self-esteem and confidence in the education cycle. The stereotyping of black students in institutions of learning within the UK is unfair, and students should be accorded equality regardless of their ethnic background (Stenson and Waddington, 2013). Biasness and stereotyping stigmatize a learner, making it hard for them to understand and comprehend issues in a class context. Attitudes that teachers show students, especially those who are minorities impact their psychologically thinking, a factor that has derailed academic performance for such students (Robinson and Gardner, 2013). Stereotypical teachers’ perceptions that teachers hold on black students and their learning abilities are also a factor that has delayed achievement of equality in the education sector. Ethnic differences have negatively impacted education by instilling biasness and stereotyping of students.

Impact 3: Disproportionate School Exclusions

Racism in the education sector has contributed to the fact of disproportionate exclusion from specific schools, especially within the United Kingdom. In the year 2017-18, there are over 490 cases of temporary primary school exclusions that were reported according to BBC news. A large number of students who were excluded from schools are minorities indicating un-proportionality in the exercise (Foster and Norton, 2012). The number of racism cases in institutions of learning has fallen even though it has not reached the desirable standards in the sector. School exclusions should be based on what the student has done and not the racial background behind them. There are two types of exclusions from schools that are witnessed in the UK. One can be excluded permanently or for a given period (Foster and Norton, 2012). When it is in a fixed term, it can be referred to as suspension. In such a case, a student resumes school after the period of exclusion is over. In cases where the exclusion is on a permanent basis, the student is never allowed back in the institution (Foster and Norton, 2012). Such cases have been reported in the United Kingdom as targeting minority groups, a matter that has impacted their performance negatively. Racism in school should be avoided and made illegal for that matter.

Racial practices within the education sector have contributed to the unfair school exclusions that are experienced in the UK. Most people in charge of the institutions are racially driven, a fact that has affected the general performance of such institutions. Institutions that have embraced equality and liberalism do better as compared to those that thrive in racism. Prejudice against minority groups in the UK will continue to hurt academic performance until the society decides to handle the matter collectively (Gazeley, 2010). There are cases where minorities have been expelled from institutions and whites have been spared for the same mistake. Such practices within the education sector fuel racism and inequality, which significantly affects performance. School exclusion denies a child the chance for an equal opportunity with the rest of the majority. Exclusion based on racism hurts more since it promotes inequality and prejudice against minority groups in society (Gazeley, 2010). Disproportionate school exclusions in the UK denies many children and learners the chance to make their dreams come true. Racism in the event of running learning institutions hurts efforts to achieve equality in the educations sector (Gazeley, 2010). Practitioners must develop strategic measures that can help neutralize the vice or support it and kill the dreams of many learners. School exclusions in any setting or country should be based on what one has done and a breach of school rules.

Impact 4: Characterization of Youth Cultures as Anti-school

Youth culture in the United Kingdom has been characterized as anti-school due to practices that they indulge. Most minority groups have had their youth characterized as disinterested in schooling activities (Brake, 2013). Such type of racial prejudice should come to an end in a bid to promote equality in the educational context. Blacks are associated with rime and other anti-school behavior, a perception that has since hurt efforts to better their performance. Such attitudes have created impressions even in the minds of trainers who, in turn, show the same to learners. The end product of such unethical practices is a failure to perform in exams as expected for being characterized as an anti-school figure (Brake, 2013). There are many cases involving the youth being described as criminals for being black or under minority groups. All youth within the society should be treated equally, regardless of their ethnic or racial background. The failure to acknowledge such facts can only hurt more and measures should be in place to handle the same. Criminal within the society does not have to be a black person presumably. It is time that the community faces reality and controls the impact that racism is having on the community (Brake, 2013). Minority group educational interests should be protected by enhancing equality within the United Kingdom.

Some cultural practices promote educational advances within the society while others discourage the same. For instance, some behaviors do not encourage school behavior in the community. Such behaviors are notable among minority group youths within the UK, echoing the issue of youth being regarded as anti-school. Most natives in England are presumed to be made of strong British values that do not condone criminality. Such notions have led to assumptions that some youth from specific areas or racial origin have resolved to violence and criminal activities (Jonsson, 2014). Students with strong moral values are expected to pass in their examinations as compared to those who uphold no moral values. However, the issue of racism has challenged equality in the education sector by depicting natives as superior and blacks as inferior. There is a need to carefully examine the problems of racism and educational outcomes that are associated with the same (Jonsson, 2014). Statistics indicate that most groups of youth from minority groups are regarded as anti-school due to their racial orientation. The society should stop biased characterization of minority group youth as anti-social. The idea of negative talk in the society is a strong construct that shapes beliefs that revolve around the phenomenon of racism (Jonsson, 2014). Such factors within the society contribute to psychological effects that hamper educational development for minorities, especially within the United Kingdom.

Impact 5: Disproportionate Representation

The education sector in the United Kingdom is disproportionate when it comes to the representation of special needs issues (Sullivan and Artiles, 2011). The register containing special needs individuals for social, emotional and behavioral development (SEBD) illustrates representation that is un-proportional. Minority groups are subjected to inequality and discrimination for belonging to a specific ethnic community or race. Such developmental programs are meant to ensure that those who are disadvantaged receive enough support to see their educational operations successful. The idea of racism has manifested in institutions of learning up to the special needs department. There is a need to look into the matter and establish possible solutions to save minority students from performing poorly (Sullivan and Artiles, 2011). Students from rich backgrounds are supported, which helps them develop proper social and cognitive abilities that can boost their academic performance. Institutions should be at the forefront championing equality within the education system as a way of ending racial prejudice. Blacks are underrepresented when it comes to special needs programs, which widens educational disparities as far as race is concerned (Sullivan and Artiles, 2011). Under-representation hampers a community’s efforts to boost educational development for the disabled. It is the collective responsibility of the society to protect such individuals from racism as it affects their educational performance negatively.

There are many students in the United Kingdom who are disabled come from minority groups. Such students should be registered for them to receive privileges that can promote their learning abilities. However, the issue of racism has made minority special needs students suffer as they are underrepresented (Morgan, et. al., 2015). Institutions should devise strategic measures that can help capture all disabled students in the country, especially from minority groups. Equally, there are cases where the person in charge is white and extends racism to minorities. In such cases, the blacks have no chance to excel, which is detrimental to their efforts to outdo their white counterparts academically. Both groups of students should be accorded equal opportunities in a bid to neutralize racially induced underperformance. Fair competitions for those with disabilities can help administer equality (Morgan, et. al., 2015). Cases, where ethnicity has manifested in institutions, have affected the performance of involved minority students significantly. Practitioners in the sector should conduct more research to establish were the bigger problem is in a bid to handle racism (Morgan, et. al., 2015). Institutions that have been reported for discriminating the disabled based on their ethnic background should face the full force of the law. It is important to treat everyone with regard in society despite their race.

Impact 6: Biased School Funding

Racism has negatively impacted the education sector by instilling a culture of biased school funding, especially by authorities who allocate resources. Public schools where the majority of students are black usually receive less funding as compared to those institutions who majority re natives (Kelly, Becares and Nazroo, 2013). School resources have a significant impact on the performance of students. The idea that some schools receive few funds makes it hard for them to deliver specifics to students in a standardized manner. Equally, inadequate funding to schools where minority races are many compromises the quality of education being delivered. As such, all practitioners have to foster equality and liberalism among students in various institutions within the UK. This can be achieved by ensuring that those who are involved in the process of allocating funds act in good faith free from racism. The government should lead by example and indicate no intention of racism or ethnicity when allocating funds to schools. Proper and equally fund allocation promotes the spirit of equality even among learners (Kelly, Becares and Nazroo, 2013). As such, it is always essential to keep racism out of the education sector has led it to control funds unfairly.

Inadequate funds for institutions make it hard to budget for various items that are important for the running of learning activities. For instance, when an institution requires to repair facilities and funds are not enough, it is forced to compromise the wellbeing of some in favor of others. Situations as such compromise the quality of grades that students score, especially the case of minority groups (Kelly, Becares and Nazroo, 2013). Equally, institutions need funds to feed needy students and ensure their tuition fee is paid. However, with racism, there is a rare chance that such funding opportunities can be accorded to the rightful individuals. Administrators should always assess the ethical standards that are held by those in management positions. Acceptable code of conduct should be a guide in the execution of various duties as it pertains to education. Racial discrimination at school or during the issuance of scholarships is a factor that has impacted academic outcomes negatively (Cole, 2011). Most of those institutions that are favored by natives have adequate funds and scholarship opportunities for their students. Minorities and blacks have no say and usually receive less of funding as compared to preferable ones. In essence, racism has impacted educational outcomes negatively due to biased school funding, especially in the United Kingdom.

Impact 7: Promotion of Multiculturalism

The concept of mixed races within the United Kingdom and learning of issues that revolve around racism has helped the society develop youth who are accommodative of other social aspects. Students who learn in an environment with different ethnic groups develop faster socially as aided by the idea of diverse cultures (Osler, 2015). It is through learning with other races that one can be able to understand some issues that affect human beings as far as ethnicity is concerned. Those who learn in a native environment are lucky for they do not have to go through racial discrimination (Osler, 2015). However, such students are not exposed to various issues that happen in a multicultural setting.

Environments that are characterized by diverse cultures help students in class understand issues better as some of the communities can be used to illustrate some concepts learnt in theory. Such surroundings aid in the understanding of concepts and accommodation of different views. Multicultural backgrounds foster unity and cohesion among individuals of a society. In education, students from different backgrounds can change views for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon learnt in theory (Osler, 2015). It is through sharing of educational platforms that people in the society learn to accommodate different opinions even if one does not agree. It is important to consider the fact that racism is being taught in institutions to help many understand that it is not superiority or inferiority. Learning of theoretical framework on race and ethnicity has promoted understanding and acceptance in the United Kingdom, especially for minority groups such as blacks. It is through the understanding of racism that the vice can come to an end. Practitioners in the sector should be at the forefront of establishing ways to improve educational outcomes for minorities (Troyna and Williams, 2012). Learning of racism has positively impacted the education sector by promoting multiculturalism and acceptance.

Impact 8: Psychological Effects

Learners who are subjected to racial prejudice within institutions do not get the opportunity to learn fairly like the rest. There is a need to address the issue of racism as it is derailing performance for minority groups, especially within the United Kingdom. The racial experience is normally retained in the long-term memory of an individual and can lead to stigmatization (Bhopal, 2014). Stigmatization affects an individual’s learning abilities, explaining why institutions that embrace racism have students from minority groups performing poorly. Racism in institutions of learning should be made out of bounds for the system to promote equality and purpose. The psychological effect of stigmatization has continually affected involved student’s performance to a greater extent (Race, 2015). Assumptions made from previous research on the same imply White supremacy over other ethnic groups as far as education is concerned. Blacks are the most affected ethnic group in the social context of the United Kingdom.

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The classroom environment that learners are subjected to affects their development of cognitive and social abilities. If a white teacher continually discriminates black students in a class, other white students will start doing the same. In the event, a culture that promotes ethnicity and racism in the education system is bred, challenging the achievement of equality (Race, 2015). Also, if a classroom environment encourages multiculturalism, learners develop a sense of tolerance and treat others with empathy, regardless of their ethnic background. In essence, it is the role of practitioners to nurture learners who are tolerant of others. In such an environment, minority groups can get the opportunity to develop mental and physical skills that are important in life (Race, 2015). Racial prejudice in the learning environment has hampered the delivery of equal education opportunities, especially for minority groups.


To sum it up, race is a social construct that has impacted the delivery of education in various institutions. People from the same race have similarities in their genetic composition. Race, nationality, origin, religion, culture and social orientations classify individuals in society into their corresponding ethnic groups. The paper has examined how the concept of ethnicity has impacted education, especially in the United Kingdom. For instance, there is a huge disparity between Whites and blacks as it pertains to education. This is attributed to the racism that has negatively affected the critical sector of the economy. Equally, racism has contributed to biasness and stereotyping of students in many cases within the United Kingdom. Teachers stereotype students from minority communities, which has affected their educational outcomes dismally. Students from minority communities in the UK have faced disproportionate school exclusions, indicating the level of racism in the system. Notably, there is a disproportionate representation of special needs students from minority groups. Ethnicity deprives some students the opportunity to excel and make their dreams true. The psychological effect of racism impacts the development of cognitive and social abilities for learners from a minority group. Another impact of racism is that it has promoted disproportionate school funding. Some schools within the system receive ore funds for being native as compared to public schools meant for blacks and other minority groups. As a significant addition, learning the concept of racism has helped students learn tolerance and liberalism for better learning outcomes, especially for minority groups.


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