Essay on Body Mutilation Non-Verbal Communication

Published: 2021/12/15
Number of words: 1272


Body mutilation the same, as body mutilation is a nonverbal communication technique where individuals alter their anatomy deliberately. People across nations and culture modify their bodies for religious purposes, to show their affiliation to a certain group or to create an art. Body mutilation may be for self-expression as well as for other purposes. As a nonverbal communication, technique individuals or groups of people may either decorate their bodies or undertake plastic surgery operations. In respect to religious beliefs or on rites of passage, people may mutilate their bodies by way of circumcision or tattoos (Raj, 2006). Body mutilation communicates certain information about a certain group of individuals or specific cultures.

Types of Modifications

Body mutilation may include body piercing, placing of neck rings, eyeball tattooing or surface piercing. In respect to surgical procedures that modify one’s body, implants of the breast may be one of the modes of communication. People may on the other hand choice to remove their hair. Another important communication technique in respect to body mutilation illustrates the importance of female genital mutilation to specific cultures in the world. Male circumcision is another important nonverbal communication technique (Raj, 2006). Through circumcision, male members of a certain population receive higher status. Other body modification procedures include nipple removal, splitting, tongue cutting and splitting. Some of these nonverbal cues include breast ironing that has long-term consequences on individuals.

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Branding, tooth filling and Ear shaping are other forms of nonverbal communication. As a nonverbal communication technique, body mutilation has been in existence for a long period. From the ancient time, body modifications have been symbols of cultures, class or tradition. Observers of these modifications understand the importance of their modification and the message they wish communicated (Gilbert, Gilbert, & Gilbert, 2000). Tattooing may illustrate one’s social group; circumcision communicates the level of maturity of individuals while branding may indicate the origin of an individual.

Body Piercing

Across the globe, piercing of bodies by individuals has become common. More individuals are now able to communicate their feelings through piercing their Navel, eyebrows and noses. These parts of the body are pierced then endowed with plastic decorations are well as metallic ornaments. Body piercing cuts across gender male as well as female practice this form of mutilation. Body piercing has been present for centuries. Its importance includes communicating certain aspects about the society. Individuals use body piercing as a means to communicate their cultural affiliation. For example, certain cultures in Africa use body piercing as a means to communicate the level of maturity of individuals. A man who posses more ornament would be considered a braver warrior. Body piercing on the other hand communicates beauty.

Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital communication is still a practice in certain cultures in the society. This practice of mutilation refers to traditional a practice that involves the cutting of female genitals. As a practice, female genital mutilation acts as a communication tool as well as meets custom needs. As a communication tool, female members of the society who pass the rite receive certain privileges. Once a woman has passed the rite, she may look for a suitor for marriage. Female members who pass the rite on the other hand receive certain recognition by the society. Communities that practice female mutilation do it in order to preserve their customs and traditions (C. F. R. R, 2006). In addition, the practice acts as a symbol for certain religions. Female genital mutilation is practiced by Jews, indigenous African religious as well as by Christians and Muslims.

Use of Tattoos

Tattoos have become a common feature in today’s society. The art has become common that individuals transact their daily activities while wearing them. This art of nonverbal communication has become popular on the music industry as well as in movie industry. Tattoos are also prevalent in gang operations. Consequently, tattoos are important communication tools and its relevance benefits certain groups of individuals. Humans have been able to use tattoos for communication for long. Many cultures all over the world have a history of using tattoos for communicating various aspects of their culture (Doss, 2005).

Tattoos have been important aspects in the celebration of certain religious practices by the people of Japan as well as in Europe. Crusaders from Europe for example tattooed themselves to mark their expeditions (Doss, 2005). On the other hand, Muslims tattoo themselves to mark their visit to Mecca. Individual from the Hindu culture tattoos himself or herself in marking their religious festivals. Further Buddhists adherences mark their bodies with special imagery during religious ceremonies.

Tattoos additionally act a symbol of status. As a nonverbal communication tool, tattoos might be used to communicate certain aspects of individuals in a particular society. Such tattoo marks might imply to a certain lineage of a people or groupings. For example, tattoo of certain designs on the face of individuals might propagate certain information on ancestry backgrounds (Wohlrab, Stahl, Kappeeler, 2006). Others might indicate the availability of women for marriage while others indicate the rank of individuals in a society.

Body Mutilation Implications

Body mutilation that includes female genital mutilation, piercing and tattooing has various important communicating elements. Body modification is advantageous in ensuring intercultural communication among various societies in the world. This mode of communication in the society has important influence of the culture of individuals. Tattoos are seen as a uniting factor to the hip-hop culture. They are also important in providing identity to gang members (Wohlrab et al 2006). Police and other authorities use tattoos and body piercing as features in investigating cases. Further body mutilation has been critical in providing gender differences. Within diverse culture body, mutilation has been important in providing difference of gender. Culturally certain aspects of mutilation differentiate men and women; femininity and muscularity.

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Certain piercing techniques, branding and tattooing ensures the communication of gender differences. Body mutilation additionally has significant basis on individuals’ race. Certain aspect of the communication technique promotes racial disparity. In relation to tattoos, certain gangs have racial background and they would have different tattoo designs. Gang members may easily identify their members as well as rivals (Doss, 2005). On the other hand, tattoos and piercing communicates individual’s personality. This therefore means that having tattoos in today’s world may have negative implications on personal careers of individuals. Certain organizations do not permit certain tattoos designs and piercing.

This means that individuals who have tattoos would miss important job opportunities. Female genital mutilation as a practice has various negative implications on a person’s health. Though it acts as a communicative tool, its implication on the health of females downplays the purpose. Body modification has some communicative value on a society or individuals. However, extreme modification might have negative implication on persons as well as their future careers (Gilbert et al 2000).


Center For Reproductive Rights. (2006). Female Genital Mutilation: A Matter of Human Rights. www.

Doss, S.,K. (2005). The Communicative Value of A Tattoo:The Role of Public Self-Consiousness on Visibility of A Tatoo. University of Hawaii Library.

Gilbert, S., Gilbert, S., & Gilbert, C. (2000). Tattoo history: a source book. New York: Juno

Raj, B. (2006). Body Modification: Body Piercing Issues in the Doctor’s office.

Wohlrab, S., Stahl, J, Kappeeler. (2006) Modifying the Body: Motivations for Getting Tatooed and Pierced. Science direct. 4 Pp: 87-95.

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