Preparing for an Interview: How to Ace It

Getting ready for an interview can be very nerve-wracking. It’s likely getting the job will be very important to you and therefore you want to make sure you impress the interviewer! So, how should you …

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6 Ways to Enjoy Freshers During COVID-19

As a fresher this year, your experience of university is going to be very different. You might be disappointed that you won’t get to do the usual fresher activities and that’s understandable, but it doesn’t …

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How to Perfect Your Essay Writing Style

Essay writing can feel like the most grueling type of work. Depending on what you’re writing about, it could be pretty boring and a task that many people dread. However, it can get a lot …

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7 Perks of Online University

For some people, the next year at uni will be a little different from the norm. Whether it’s full time or part time, a lot of you will be participating in online learning this year. …

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