Essay on Using Grit as a Business Goal Setting

Published: 2021/12/08
Number of words: 616

The section named “Goals and Objectives” will be one of the most significant parts of your business plan. If your goals appear to have strayed from the original plan, you can figure out why the business’s plans have changed and how to get back on track. Goals are benchmarks you create for yourself and your business that allow you to monitor and gauge your company’s progress (Said, Hisham, et al). This paper will review the business goal setting using Grit related to chapter 4, option for organizing business. In the article “Angela Duckworth and the Research on Grit’ by Emily Hanford, she describes Duckworth’s research about preservation (“grit,” as Duckworth calls it). A University of Pennsylvania assistant professor, Angela Duckworth, works to identify personalities and skills other than intelligence that support human performance and believes that Grit is as important as intelligence in high goal attainment. Duckworth defines Grit as “Sticking with things over the very long term until you master them” (qtd. Duckworth).

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Grit gives the extra emphasis needed for someone who had a growth mindset that pushes them to succeed. Grit helps a person with a growth mindset excel to where they need to be because it gives that person a better work ethic. Also, the person now believes you should master the things you do long term by sticking with them until they are perfected. Grit and a growth mindset lead to excessive amounts of success. It is commonly interpreted that Grit and Growth Mindset work together in a great way to achieve business goals. The main idea of Grit is when one takes time to better things within their life. Being a gritty person is a great advantage and beneficial in someone’s life because you will excel at everything you do.

The main idea of a growth mindset is when a person believes they can achieve an infinite amount of things within their life. Being gritty helps a person with a growth mindset succeed because it pushes your growth to the next level. The mindset needed to succeed is already their Grit is what takes that success to the next level. Thus, Grit and Growth Mindset are two components that work well alone; however, they work at their best when they are together. Grit gives the extra emphasis needed for someone who has a growth mindset date to be successful. Grit helps a person with a growth mindset excel to where they need to be because it gives that person a better work ethic. Also, the person now believes you should master the things you do long term by sticking with them until they are perfect.

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In conclusion, in a paper, she writes, “the gritty individual approaches achievement as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina” (qtd. Duckworth). The strength of a person’s Grit is a strong predictor of success in difficult circumstances. Finally, she concludes that Grit was more important than intelligence, leadership ability, or physical fitness. I agree with her. As a business oriented person, I know that usually, the students who are not more intelligent than their peers get the highest grades because they are more stamina. Although Duckworth mainly pays attention to student’s success in college, her theory of Grit can be applied to many different areas of a person’s life, more so in the business field.

Works cited

Handford, Emily. “Angela Duckworth and the Research on ‘Grit’.” American Radio Works. Public Radio. 2012. Web. 21 July 2013.

Said, Hisham, et al. “Modeling of the sustainability goal and objective setting process in the predesign phase of green institutional building projects.” Journal of Architectural Engineering i20.2 (2014): 04013007.

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