Essay on Successful Innovative Practices

Published: 2021/11/22
Number of words: 1292


Innovation can be defined as a new invention, adoption, and diffusion of new ideas. In the field of healthcare, it might be viewed as a novel idea or care pathway that has clear benefits compared to previous methods (Kelly & Young, 2017). Traditionally, the national health service (NHS) and partners in the field of academics have led the world in the invention and testing of potential innovation. This paper explores various conditions that need to be attained for the innovations practices to be successful; it identifies various partnership principles and how they might be applied in an organization; additionally, it compares the partnership with the traditional labor-management structures; the paper further explains how leaders can support a culture of partnership for innovations as well as identifies the metrics that can be used to measure the efficiency of the innovation projects.

Analyze the Players and Conditions that Must be in Place for Successful Innovative Practices

There are various conditions and players that need to be put in place for successful innovative practices. These are the factors that facilitate the appropriate implementation of the innovation processes (Kelly & Young, 2017). One of the important players for successful innovation is leaders. Leadership and management at various tiers need to be committed and in support of the change. This involves the articulation of a compelling and clear vision. Additionally, there needs to be a widespread involvement of stakeholders comprising the users of the innovation services and the entire body of staff members (Kelly & Young, 2017). Moreover, there needs to be an availability of dedicated and ongoing resources such as funding and infrastructure. Besides, efficient communication across the entire organization and also between different organizations where possible (Kelly & Young, 2017). Finally, demonstration and evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the innovation being introduced are important because it involves assessment of health benefits.

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Identify the Principals of Partnership and how They Might Apply to Your Organization

Principles of partnership (PoP) in the field of healthcare comprise equity, transparency, results-oriented approach, responsibility, and complementarity. These principles play a vital role because they try to acknowledge some gaps within the process of humanitarian reform which involves neglecting the role of local humanitarian response capacity (Nickel et al., 2018). The PoP acts as a reminder of the ongoing need to make sure that arrangements for partnerships with all humanitarian actors are anchored in inequality. PoP can be implemented in my organization by making reference and using it in all partnerships and agreements; making reports annually about how PoP is being put into practice; always referring to the PoP when creating new project proposals because these are the principles that will be used when implementing the project (Nickel et al., 2018). Finally, the PoP can be used to advocate for enhanced performance in the healthcare setting.

Compare and Contrast the Partnership with Traditional Labor-Management Structures

Partnership and traditional labor-management structures are similar because both enable action on health determinants, which is important in addressing health equalities. However, partnerships differ from labor-management structures. For instance, a partnership is an essential ingredient of public health for tackling the main health determinants; on the other hand, the main role of labor-management structures is establishing and strengthening the relationship between the employee and the employer (Chen & Qiu, 2019). This is achieved by determining employee satisfaction, identifying and resolving arising issues at the workplace, and also providing input and support to the performance management system of the company.

Explain how Leaders Support a Culture of Partnership for Innovation

Leaders possess great ideas for improving the experience of both the systems and patients. Therefore, leaders ought to create a culture where innovation can flourish, and also where all staff and patients feel empowered to contribute to the innovations and help make requires changes (Elrehail et al., 2018). Some of the main support cultures for building a culture of partnership comprise creating best practice tariffs such as incentives and reimburse providers for the cost of high-quality innovative care. Leaders can organize innovation prize challenges where the national celebration can be held to celebrate and reward the best innovations in healthcare (Elrehail et al., 2018). Supporting small businesses doing healthcare researches is important because they help in developing enhanced healthcare services and products (Elrehail et al., 2018). Finally, leaders can support healthcare innovations by rewarding medical practitioners for their improvements, research, and innovations.

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Describe What Metrics Should be Used to Measure an Effective Innovation Project

To be successful, professionals need the appropriate healthcare analytics tools, and most importantly, the right metrics for tracking the effectiveness of innovation projects. Some key performance indicators comprise the rate of bed occupation (Shawahna, 2019). This performance indicator monitors the occupancy rate to determine a healthy balance between how hospital resources are being utilized as well as the general pressure on the facility. Another metric is the utilization of medical equipment; this key performance indicator determines the utilization rate of medical equipment to identify where there is room for improvement such as relocating equipment where needed (Shawahna, 2019). The other metric that can be used to measure the performance of innovation projects is determining the average patient hospital stay. This evaluates the amount of time a patient stays in the hospital after the implementation of the new project (Shawahna, 2019). After various evaluations of this Key Performance Indicator, a target length of hospital stay is set that the management needs to achieve. Therefore, these KPIs are important because they help in measuring the performance of an innovation project.


Conclusively, this paper has explored the player and the condition that must be put in place for successful innovation practices; the principles of partnership and how they might be applied to an organization; the similarities and the differences of partnership with traditional labor-management structures have also been explored. Various ways on how leaders support a culture of partnership for innovations have been explained as well as the metrics that should be used to measure the effectiveness of an innovation project. Therefore, it is evident from this paper that for innovations to be successful, they out to possess two important qualities. They should be usable and desirable.


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Elrehail, H., Emeagwali, O. L., Alsaad, A., & Alzghoul, A. (2018). The impact of transformational and authentic leadership on innovation in higher education: The contingent role of knowledge sharing. Telematics and Informatics35(1), 55-67.

Kelly, C. J., & Young, A. J. (2017). Promoting innovation in healthcare. Future healthcare journal4(2), 121.

Nickel, W. K., Weinberger, S. E., & Guze, P. A. (2018). Principles for patient and family partnership in care: an American College of Physicians position paper. Annals of internal medicine169(11), 796-799.

Shawahna, R. (2019). Development of key performance indicators to capture in measuring the impact of pharmacists in caring for patients with epilepsy in primary healthcare: a Delphi consensual study. Epilepsy & Behavior98, 129-138.

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