Essay on Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Published: 2021/12/28
Number of words: 1412

A standard definition of consideration coordination strategy is the coordination of various medical care methodologies, such as interventions and different exercises, in order to guarantee that a patient receives the most extreme degree of nature of care that is reasonably possible for that patient (Kasteleyn et al., 2-15). For patients and their families to achieve the greatest possible outcomes, it is critical to empower them with an extensive consideration and coordination framework. Because it will identify and try to remedy each persistent health problem while also developing processes that will aid in developing and upgrading medical care thought conveyance, the most appropriate consideration methodology is essential for growth in the medical care field.

Primary care coordination and interventions were established for Ms. Shan, who needed tight coordination due to her clinical concerns. Following an extensive investigation, Ms. Shan was given a report indicating she was ailing from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An effective approach based on thinking coordination was developed and implemented in order to serve the patient’s interests best. This assessment is being conducted in order to aid in the development of a preliminary plan that would integrate the idea of devising a method for Ms. Shan’s condition in order to properly treat her COPD condition.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung illness that has an impact on the normal functionality of cells within the respiratory tract. This condition elicits a myriad of symptoms and can execrate to present other comorbidities if interventions are not administered timely (Mosenifar, 2020). The patient sought therapy at a variety of clinical facilities in the local community for the next several months after she was diagnosed with COPD in June 2014. From the tests done, Ms. Shan had been exposed to other chronic conditions; high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. In addition, Ms. Shan affirmed that she has been experiencing anxiety, suffering from sleep problems ad psychosis. As a consequence of monitoring so many different illnesses, she was prone to problems that had an impact on her general health. There will almost certainly be a request for commitments from suitable specialists since some scenarios will need a broad range of responses from a diverse group of subject matter experts.

Best Practice for Improving Health

The most effective strategy to enhance health outcomes is to include widely acknowledged techniques that have been established via scientific investigation. Strategies to improve outcomes in healthcare are inevitable, and they present desired change. According to several studies, high-level collaboration among professionals and improved communication are critical engines that propel better patient outcomes (Moreo, Greene & Sapir, 2016). Integrating best ethical professionalism intertwines in positive and meaningful interaction will upgrade the quality of care delivered to COPD patients and promote patient satisfaction. The transfer of excellent medications in a trustworthy manner that results in patient satisfaction is essential for the ongoing development of ideas.

It will also be necessary for the patient and their immediate supporting relatives to work together to improve the nature of arranging patient care, as recommended by important consideration professionals, in order to get the best possible outcomes (Clay & Parsh, 2016). As a result, their participation in the audit is an absolute need in and of itself. To get the finest possible results in intercessions meant to further develop patients’ medical issues, a wide commitment should be energized, and any correspondence obstacles should be detected and assisted when possible.

Mutually Agreed Upon Health Goals

As a first step in achieving predetermined aims and objectives, it is critical to have excellent coordination of medical care benefits across all levels of government. The viewpoints and choices of everyone involved in the treatment cycle should be considered with a special emphasis placed on the perspectives and decisions of patients and their families. In the beginning care coordination plan, one of the goals is to reduce clinical thought consumption among patients and their families, which is a good thing. To help patients seek longer-term therapy for their diseases, we should provide them with the necessary information and prepare them. Ultimately, the patient’s goal is to find the most probable therapy. The improvement of COPD interruption is influenced by various circumstances, including contamination openness, aggravation of the respiratory organs, and a variety of others.

It is essential that the expenses associated with beneficial approaches be brought down as a second key aim. When it comes to treating COPD, the most effective strategy to delay the progression is to have complete control over the disease. According to Johnston et al., (2015), financial pressure has a significant impact on the progression of a few other associated illnesses in patients, such as the progression of diabetes, hypertension, and mental pressure, among other conditions, which can have a negative impact on the patient’s recovery and illness across the board, among other things. It is possible to record this milestone via the use of monetary markers, and we may track our progress toward it as time progresses.

Consequently, another care consideration for the effectiveness of the coordination plan that the multidisciplinary group has to embrace is the inclusion of patients and care for family members. When it comes to meeting the goals of this system, patient education and preparation will be critical components to its success. Moreover, it contributes to lowering the likelihood of clinical errors taking place. Individuals who are aware of the conditions in which they find themselves are more likely to assist the patient in their treatment. In this regard, there is a significant decrease in the level of expenses to be incurred by patients as they use health care services.

Community Resources

A complete re-designing of the course of action via the inclusion of additional key resources has become absolutely necessary for the concept organizing plan to achieve its objectives as a whole. Following up on what has been mentioned before, given that the community benefits from the complete responsibility, consider the community to be a critical component of the thinking coordination plan. Treatment crusades, mental and energetic well-being initiatives, local area clinical facilities, and respiratory evaluation environments are all examples of patient support initiatives that are extremely valuable in the local community and can be of great assistance to patients who are suffering from mental or inner health issues.

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For the purpose of controlling the patient’s interest, an evaluation of the breadth of effectively accessible resources was performed. The American Respiratory Care Association, COPD International, and the MHA Affiliate Network are just a few of the organizations that are dedicated to the oversight of COPD-related matters. Additionally, the patient and her family are required to do their own study of the best-recorded solutions available in their area of interest, as well as to seek assistance from the thought organizing group before proceeding.


Chronic conditions are long the health conditions that are incurable but can be managed through various health interventions. For patients and their families to achieve the greatest possible outcomes, it is critical to empower them with an extensive consideration and coordination framework. COPD is a severe respiratory condition that needs evidence-based care coordination for interventions that elicit better patient outcomes.


Clay, A. M., & Parsh, B. (2016). Patient-and family-centered care: It’s not just for pediatrics anymore. AMA journal of ethics18(1), 40-44.

Kasteleyn, M. J., Bonten, T. N., Taube, C., & Chavannes, N. H. (2015). Coordination of care for patients with COPD: Clinical points of interest. International Journal of Care Coordination18(4), 67-71.

Mosenifar, Z., (2020). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Retrieved from

Moreo, K., Greene, L., & Sapir, T. (2016). Improving Interprofessional and Coproductive Outcomes of Care for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. BMJ quality improvement reports5(1), u210329.w4679.

Johnston, K., Young, M., McEvoy, C., Grimmer, K., & Seiboth, C. (2015). Implementing carecoordination plus early rehabilitation in COPD patients in transition from hospital to primary care: a pilot study. Physiotherapy, 101, e687-e688.doi:10.1016/

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