Essay on Minorities, Domestic Race Relations and the Intersection With U.S Diplomacy During 1865–1929

Published: 2021/11/16
Number of words: 1334

According to history, the oppression and racism of minorities in the United States of America has a long history. Around the 18th and 19th century, it was a difficult period for the minorities, especially for the African Americans, since they were denied basic human rights and fundamentals (Cadres 2021). This action of racism was encouraged mainly by discrimination promoted by the Americans civilians, since they thought they are more memorable than African American people. This paper aims to focus on how domestic race relations and intersection have affected the status of the minority in the U.S. since 1865-1929.

Meaning of minority in the U.S. during 1865-1929

Historically, the United States of America is considered the home of minority groups. Following the emergence of civil war in 1865, the American government started passing Black Codes to confine freedmen’s rights and freedoms, thus maintaining diplomacy between the white men and African American people (Power 2021). The American government decided to respond to these measures by putting tight rules and regulations on the minority groups. Around 1869 and 1872, the Us governments realized most minority people were misused; thus, several constitutional changes were made to defend human rights.

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The majority of the United States of America policies adopted between 1865 to 1929 was based on race. Some of these policies demonstrated the U.S.’s stand on racism domestically and internationally. In 1865, the union’s victory assured the thirteen amendments abolished slaves but, the black people’s status question remained. As the white southerner regenerated civil authority in former confederal states in 1866, they enacted the black codes law to retain black Americans as cheap labourers.

The amendments mainly focused on the abolitions of slave activities which mainly were applied to the minority people. Additionally, the changes provided equal protections to the freed lacks and any other individual despite the color and race. In early 1877, the concept of equal rights in America collapsed, thus revived mistreatment of the minority people. However, around the 19th century, mass campaigning mainly focused on protecting human rights (Martins 2020). This led to the provision of equal human rights irrespective of gender, such that all minority people were allowed in the participations of government by exercising their democratic rights.

The Black Americans and other non-Americans viewed and explained these policies as unworthy and discriminative. Despite this, most white American residents liked these policies as they availed cheap labor and other benefits. The fifteen amendments guaranteed all citizens the right to vote according to the Martins 2020, reconstruction, some black Americans won the southern state government election and the USA congress. In the election which followed, the black Americans were denied their right to vote (Martins 2020). Many of the policies which were adopted during this time were racially biased. Other countries viewed this policy as wanting and initiating oppression to African American and other non-American residents in America because they were racially biased.

U.S. diplomacy during 1865-1929

 Around 1927, the U.S. experienced diplomatic changes that spurred all the marginalized people involving both freed black people and Americans. Over many years ago, U.S. Diplomatic history has been oscillating into three main situations. The first phase is called isolation, whereby the primarily diplomatic focus on other European nations’ entanglements (Donne 2020). In this case, the countries are required to have economic networks in the world. Additionally, the country does not have any form of crime emanating from its economic activities with other countries.

The second diplomatic alliance mainly was applied to the European and other American partners in the military. In this case, the alliance was formed by all Europeans countries irrespective of their military status (Martins 2020). The final form of diplomacy was unilateralism, whereby all the American people and government depended on the decision-making process. According to the American’s doctrines, around 1869, it stayed away from all foreign nations’ police; the unilateralism diplomacy policy guided it.

What did race relations domestically and U.S. diplomacy intersect during 1865 -1921

The increased racial segregations in the United States of America out spurred world attention (Miller, 14). The battles between the Americans and capitalist’s s such as the Soviet Union subsidized the spreading of marginalized people’s international awareness of oppression. Due to the ideological differences between the Americans and communists, the communists used social media services to spread propagandas to deprecate the U.S. government. Consequentially, the minority groups used racist events to prove their claims to the U.S government. According to American history, sports was the most diplomatic relations((Zulu,2020). Through sports and games, people create a strong relationship, thus fostering international unity and cohesion. World boxing and Olympic championships help to reduce racial segregations, thus limiting occurrences of human rights misuses.

Success and failure of U.S. reconstructions

After the emergency of the first and second world war, the United States of America experienced severe economic issues due to the world war’s effects. The American economy’s failing began immediately after the first world since the country was actively involved in the war (Zulu, 2020). There was massive destruction of property which affected the normal operations of the business and industry. Additionally, the country experienced massive deaths, which also lowered its economic status since the taxations that helped the government-run its activities had drastically gone down. Following the consequences of world war, I and II, there was much disruption of the economy; thus, America found it difficult to progress with a good economy.

The reconstructions of America can be traced back to the 19th century, immediately after world war I and II. There was an industrial rebirth, facilitating the recovery loses made during the war. The industrializations reflected all the aspects of economic and social growth both locally and internationally (Miller, 2020). It was also a precious moment of the American people to restructure their diplomatic interrelationships, such as uplifting the aspects of minority to the African American people. The reconstruction of America touched both economic and social issues.

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Impacts of technology on the American culture, diplomatic, political and religion from 1865-1921

Technology had positive impacts on American culture, diplomacy, politics and religion. From 1865-1921, America was experiencing technological advancements, which resulted in several changes. Firstly, American technology has reformed traditional ways of worship to modernized forms (Donne, 2020). Before technology, most people used shrines and physical features as places of worship. However, the coming of the missionary around the 20th century has contributed to the building of churches and temples; thus, people can use them as places of worships.

Additionally, a technology introduced during the colonization has brought western education to the Americans people, thus becoming more enlighten and informed (Zulu, 2020). On the other hand, technology has resulted in political due to more digitized machines, mainly used during the Americans’ voting sessions. In 1865-1929, the American people adopted several technologies that made them more superior than other nations. Politically, America is well known for its superiority since it can produce powerful weapons than any other nation internationally.

Work cited

Cedres, Dana M. Self-Objectification, Body Shame, Body Image, Self Esteem and Psychological Well-Being Among Latina Women. Diss. Alliant International University, 2021.

Power, Sean Bradley, and Niamh M. Brennan. “Corporate reporting to the crown: a longitudinal case from colonial Africa.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2021).

Martins, Mônica Mastrantonio. “Time, Narrative & La Durée-or, Why We Need Instability and Multiplicities Against Reductionism.” Papers of the 7th International Conference on Language, Literature, Linguistics & Communication 2020.

Donne, Carina, et al. “A layover in Europe: reconstructing the invasion route of asexual lineages of a New Zealand snail to North America.” Molecular Ecology 29.18 (2020): 3446-3465.

Zulu, Misheck. Confused Diffusion as Exhibited in a Selected Form of African Christianity: An Analysis of the Lumpa Churches in Zambia (1955-1965). Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020.

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