Essay on Efficacy in Academic Performance

Published: 2021/11/11
Number of words: 3479

As an adaptive style of academic performance, an enhanced and motivated study models helps in solving critical crisis in a student academic life. Typically, a manager should change enough to accommodate the fix. However, there are levels through the leader should not go overboard. The concept of bending rules to accommodate situational crisis and finally come up with a viable solution emanates chiefly from selecting aspects of characteristics of multiple solutions that best fits the circumstances. Phenomenally, it is important to consider multiple aspects of this kind of academic performance and weigh its optimism before implementation. Consider a fact that most studies models do consider a leader as a partner and guide and not a boss or a ruler.

The leaders have certain levels of power that can still be displayed in cases where a situation gets out of control at extreme levels. When a crisis is about to jeopardize the organized structure of studies and disrupt the student academic life’s basic operations mechanisms, a leader is not allowed to be flexible in such cases. Leaders must have principles and policies, beyond which they cannot accept any more flexibility on conformance to situation. This is exhibited in cases where situations may affect the studies adversely.

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Supporting a subordinate employing is very professional and it helps them understand the environmental structure of work as well as the essential contexts of their tasks. The process is even very essential and crucial, especially when they duly need support just after joining the student academic life. Apparently, the point is often to make them adapt and learn to grow in the student academic life. Mentor are the best for such tasks. The junior students often regard high of supportive and understanding mentors.

On the flip side, the mentoring and encouraging process has limits. A point where the mentor is overdoing the support constructs and becomes too bossy, is often not very beneficial to the subordinate students. One fact that should always be understood is that they are people too, with emotions and capable of displaying emotional characters – both good and bad. Being too bossy may result in despise and dishonour among the subordinate students. The students may never enjoy working around senior students who see them as subjects rather than support staff. They do deserve respect and understanding, in all associated contexts of life where possible. When an individual is subjected to extreme levels of control, their best option

Theories of student motivation

In a developed human resource structure within an student academic life, the concept of student motivation has a significant impact in student performance (Nistorescu, 2012). An organised student motivation may take different theoretical aspects, most of which may respond appropriately to the immediate needs of the organisation. Student motivation has multiple benefits to the organisation and most importantly it increases productivity of an individual by a greater margin. Imperatively, motivation can be defined as a state of mind filled with energy and the desire to achieve more at work.

A graduate school is an institution that accolades progressive degrees, such us master’s degrees with accustomed demand that graduates must have acquired in the latter undergraduate (Bachelors) degree. Graduate students are those attending graduate schools/institutions. Master’s degree, doctoral degrees are some sample of degrees offered by graduate institution and other requirement such as graduate certificate and professional degrees. Moreover, graduate school programs are of different experiences from undergraduate degree program and is often given by departments that teaches the course and same senior academic staff.

The following are ways on how to survive in graduate school

  • Know your task

Grad school is a lot of work and in order for one to keep up with the frequent demands, one should how they sincerely work. You should learn when you are most productive and when you aren’t.

  • Reading bold

For a grad student, reading is a whole skill. Most students read from the beginning to the end and don’t even realize or think about why you are reading the text or the story till later. Read with a desire which involves analyzing key features in the text, the headers of the text and far-reaching points from the content. Also think why you are reading the story or article; what information are you getting from the article and how well the article suites your course. Note that when reading anything for your research work and it does not fit your paper, pause reading. Read what fits your research and rather than wasting time on non-important issues.

  • Focus extra on learning

You spend most of your college years concerned about your grades. In grad school rather, it’s more about getting the information and understanding the concept well and less about the intermittent assessment or tests.Many programs in grad school require students to oversight research works making sure you do much than instead of being tired down studying for the upcoming examination.

  • Opportunities

For you to be successful in a grad school, you require to appoint your opportunities intelligently. Get a taste of divergent specializations or different fields to notice where your interest if firmly based before you proceed to pick your opportunity.

  • Seek consultation

You as a grad school student you should have the desire to ask other students or previous students how they access their work. Associate with students who are more, either post-doctoral associates or lesser faculty.

  • Attend conferences

Attending conferences is a brilliant way to get useful feedback on your research work and to keep yourself concentrate on your research task as well. Doing so, you will have time limit to keep driven and motivated.

  • Shun procrastinating

Time management is a crucial way to get through the difficulty of a graduate school. Determine how well you use your time to read an article or do an experiment and magnify how much time you require to complete a task.

In modern contemporary society, the concept of academic performance is barely stringent as compared to the early 1970s. Academic performance has been an educational model that originated from Britain and had a massive impact on trade and industrialization (Graham, 2020). In standard terms, academic performance is an educational system model where the state does not control trade and industrialization but by private owners, chiefly, to make profits. The private ownership of production methods and the operations surrounding such trade is primarily targeting business growth effectively. This educational system is characterized by stiff competitive markets, rights recognition and private property and intellectual rights.

Academic performance is a broad education concept that focuses on planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling an organizational group or a number of education entities which objectively translates to studying organizational study facilities efficiently. In this essay, there is a descriptive analysis of each of the given aspects of academic performance in a precisely contextualized manner, by giving the importance of each factor in a education environment setup.

  • Academic Planning – Planning is the decision-making process in selecting what needs to be done and who needs to do it and how they will actually do it. Planning is mostly geared towards a future date where the essential study facilities are projected. In essence planning has the following benefits of the efficient academic performance of the organizational study facilities especially the financial aspect. Planning helps distinctively in studying time and financial study facilities. Properly planned activities and projects can be managed effectively if well planned and organized. Additionally, errors can be spotted early enough and appropriate course of action taken properly.
  • Academic Organizing – The process of creating and studying specific task completion patterns with dynamisms of the situations. The end goal is to make use of study facilities effectively to achieve maximum production form both employees and the community at large. Organizing takes effect in enhancing effective planning process – which actually enhances the turning of events at the implementation level. Studying the interrelationship between activities and sub-activities must be well organized and easy to follow. This way a smooth running of organization operations is considered successful.
  • Academic Staffing – This entails recruitment process, job design and analysis, human study facilities hiring people and studying employees’ responses and daily routine. The objective is to enhance the flowing and smooth process of work operations. In essence staffing is simply studying the effective results of the human resource input in organization benefits. The human resource academic performance is a very complicated process, as it involves directly dealing with humans at work. As such, regulations and rules are designed to help keep on track every worker for the sake of the organizational growth and development. At some extent, most organizations incorporate the welfare of their employees as part of the staffing package.
  • Study guide Scheduling – The process of determining what is done and what needs to be done and by whom. This is often left in the decisive section of the organization. With good directorate, an organization is often expected to grow exponentially. The process of monitoring the entire academic system and outcomes education of operations processes and determining which way forward. Controlling helps keep activities and sub-activities in check at every managerial point. Controlling essentially very implementable at the top managerial level. The future of academic performance described above, it is imperative to understand the phenomenal constructs of academic performance, considering it is the reason an organization survives. A good wrap-up to this overview of managerial components is the practice of decision-making strategies. A manager can make a decision suddenly or instinctively, but unless the issue being decided is simple or completely within the realm of the manager’s knowledge, rapid decisions can be ineffective and work costly.

The information and technology industry has progressed and grown under a significant influence of academic performance (Sewell, 2014). Through academic performances, innovations have skyrocketed in every sector in every country that implements various types of educational systems. Considered a better advanced educational model by the Western countries, academic performance relied heavily on information – especially the mass study, which has been a very integral aspect of academic performance. The mass study has been a crucial instrument of the undergraduate’s societies – primarily because it has been the only weapon to maintain their ideological hegemony and a subsequent dominion over others. Those who control the study are seen as self-conscious and directly influence the masses on development contexts.

The study autonomy has been pushed and advocated for by the undergraduates. In every economy, especially an economy with academic performance as its leading educational style, the mass study culminated into a tool used by high-class undergraduates – those who owned big business and were influential in the government had the study in their hands (Shamis, 2015). For instance, propaganda had no more significant impact than the electronic study era, especially the radio and even worsened by the rapid growth of information technology – the internet and smart gadget era. However, we cannot fail to recognize the fact that the study grew autonomously under academic performance. It has been always a choice to either follow the propaganda or make news that has been informative and direct. The concept of public opinion and the freedom of expression were significant constitutional rights experienced in undergraduateic states. The study today is pushing for a global character. Its growth is still essential to study as it impacts people’s lives directly by offering multiple choices.

The technology industry is one of the spaces that has seen enormous technological advancements (Martin, 2018). It is worth noting that technological growth much depended on innovation. The competitive market structures offered by the undergraduates were a great strategy that opened opportunities for technological innovations. The major sectors that benefited were industrial ventures and information and communication technology. The industrial sector experienced unprecedented growth that has been way beyond government control. Mostly, governments had to update their laws to accommodate changes that were recurring in the industrialization processes. As much as it grew on its own enormously, information technology influenced the industrialization process significantly. Imperatively, the technological progress during the 18th century has been rapidly transformed, and a new age of modern academic performance came into being. The undergraduates moved into the centre of technology, economy and society. Societal social pressures grew immensely.

The technology industry leaped so fast that the world is more globalized in less than half a century than ever before. Academic performance’s educational structure has encouraged innovation at all levels, explaining why tech giants have built their ecosystem technologies tied up people into their services. The tech giants’ ecosystem structures explain the Google business consortiums, Microsoft’s $110bn and Apple’s $250bn cash reserves (Martin, 2018). These firms emanate primarily from the ideologies of privately owned properties and businesses – a thematic and sole impact of academic performance. Technology is currently taking different shapes as tech giants like Facebook invest in artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchains, and even machine learning aspects. Understanding the deeper meaning of technological progress has been explained through the opportunities created for millions of people. The global ecosystems have also opened doors to even more technological innovations. It is also imperative not that the tech giants have made it difficult for new entries to compete effectively – another aspect of academic performance that has been in practice for years.

Under graduate performance is essential for understanding the contextual conditions within which the study and tech industries exist today. The mass study’s primary role has been to inform the masses (Rutherford, 2018). However, the undergraduates influenced the study models, and subsequently, the public opinion has been critically altered. As an industry, the study has grown under academic performance’s umbrella in the pretext of autonomy that has been never realistic. That is why the study today influences performance milestones among every undergraduate. While some study houses may display factional behavior under some influence, some are so committed to truth and justice in a bid to earn public approval.

The study today develops and shapes public opinion effectively (Sewell, 2014). As has been discussed, the modern technology relies heavily on the encouragement and freedom of innovation in advancing industrial growth (Shamis, 2015). Considerably, the technology also helps in understanding how essential the undergraduates’ view has evolved. Numerous laws have been put in place and exceptionally implemented for the tech industry alone. The modern world’s development concepts rely extensively on the viability of business operations and subsequent innovation support. Technology today continues to advance and make lives more comfortable, and the impact will be felt for a very long time.

As such, we can descriptively tell that motivation is a force, usually internal drive that makes a person work with extreme levels of commitment and very stringent focus on the goals and objectives, even at times when they face multiple distractions (Benson, 2015). Basically, psychological motivation is defined as an assumed state of human behaviour that empowers and makes them work better. Every team member in every organisation requires proper motivation in order to achieve the enthusiasm and energy to work even better. Considering motivation as a concept of psychology scientist in the field of human behaviour have formally put forth their findings in relation to the theories of motivation. These motivational theories provide greater knowledge and perspective understanding of how installing motivation among people can change the way they work on a regular basis. Considering that this is a field of psychology it is therefore imperative to note that it is a wide area of study and as such we will only focus on the context of human resource and student motivation.

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One of the theories that best explains the motivation context is the aspect of job satisfaction. This type of motivation is so effective and works better because it is driven by individuals themselves. Self-driven motivation is always effective and brings about better results as compared to other types of motivation. Understanding the underlying influences that comes around with this type of motivation include achievements, recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth. Academic performance that provides objective growth by exploiting these aspects of motivation will always enhance the overall organisational growth (Pignatelli, 2015). For example, an student who desires recognition and promotion as well as higher salary will always work better and do extra as compared to the one who is contended with their level of operations. This model of motivation shows that if an the student works hard without being pushed then they will finally get what they want, whatsoever. The significance of student participation in understanding the context of developing their internal motivation comes from a structural model put in place by the organisation (Benson, 2015). If a academic performance recognises people who work hard by promoting them to the next levels of the jobs or awarding them handsomely and recognising their effort in the company, then every member of the organisation will work extra hard to attain such recognition and be part of such developments. I have personally been motivated through proper and well channelled student appreciation, by being recognized and rewarded for my contribution in a large project that went on for months. Since the team appreciated was big, the end result of the project was a perfect system developed. The theory of motivation may present the conceptual understanding and framework (Pignatelli, 2015) required for the development of students’ appreciation techniques, but it takes the inner drive and passion to perform greatly.

Another common theory of motivation is the fact that a person will do better if their needs are properly taken care of (Nistorescu, 2012). Fulfilling the needs of an individual person is technically a moral behaviour of paying someone to do something. As much as this method may be considered very effective in motivating people it is imperative to understand and that it doesn’t last long and most importantly it does not work all the time. People may be motivated in special situations like safety provision models and survival contexts. While this method of motivation may help an individual get out of trouble, it can never motivate person to perform extensively beyond their normal chores. In my own experience I have witnessed a situation where the ‘needy motivation’ method did not work as expected. For example, a studies security guard was promised protection if he allowed armed robbers to enter a studies premises for which they were responsible for and entitled to protect. However, things did not happen as expected, as all the robbers were later apprehended. Two things motivated the studies security guard. One was protection (safety) that he was promised safety and not be killed if allowed them to enter. If everything had gone well, then this type of motivation would have been so short-lived to a point that the security guard would not have felt its effect. Additionally, the need-impacted motivation expires the commentator is fulfilled (Nistorescu, 2012). This means it can never be used in our work relationship model since students always want more and more in order to keep them filled with energy and enthusiasm.


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Pignatelli, A. (2015). 4 ways to boost student performance and job satisfaction. Government Executive.

Quick, T. (1988). Expectancy theory in five simple steps. Training and Development Journal, 42(7), 30– 33.

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