Essay on Disney Aminated Films

Published: 2021/11/09
Number of words: 636


The rise of Stereotypes in younger people’s lives has posed direct experience contributed by social media such as Disney Aminated Films. According to today’s technology, television and movies act as the primary socializing platforms, thus endorsing many younger people with images and information which reinforces stereotypes in their lives. This article research shows that, by the time the younger people join elementary school, most of them develop negative behavior and views towards older adults. (Robinson, Callister, Magoffin, and Moore, 2007) According to the research analysis, there is no direct hypothesis that concludes/ shows the associations between the younger and older adults in the Disney Aminated Films. “The main focus of this research is to have intensive examination and presentation of older people in the Disney Animated Film specifically on terms of gender, appearance, role, personality, race and physical characteristics of older adults.” The research indicates that most older people’s behavior is portrayed positively; however, there the most significant percentage is characterized by negative aspects.

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The portrayal of the older character in Disney Aminated Films.

According to (Robinson, Callister, Magoffin, and Moore, 2007), Disney Aminated Films is found to have more teachable moments, especially to the younger people. Most younger people have generated knowledge and wisdom from, the movies thus becoming more interactive with older adults. However, most younger people seemed to have negative perspectives to the respect of this film, especially in the older adult. These findings have resulted in more confusion and complications, especially to most parents of these younger generations. This research’s significant finding is to have a clear distinction on how Disney Aminated Film has affected most younger people, either positively or negatively. Therefore, under its investigations, the article nullifies Disney Aminated Film as one of the major platforms that have promoted younger people’s socialization internationally. According to Magoffin’s findings, most younger people can enjoy their teenage stages only through media socialization since it broadens their thinking perspectives.

Basing personal opinions in this Disney research, the most exciting factor is how the film has contributed socialization of the younger people nowadays. Additionally, the article creates a conducive thinking environment for the youth, thus widening their thinking aspects. According to my perspective, the film has contributed positively to most youths’ mental and physical development. Biologically, younger people’s minds need a lot of exposure, especially during the development phases. This will equip them with enough knowledge; thus, they can think critically even in the schools (Robinson, Callister, Magoffin, and Moore, 2007).

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Consequently, my concern in this research is how Disney film has motivated younger people to achieve socialism. However, with this research, Disney film portrays some complicated limitations, mainly to older adults. According to the research, most youth associated with Disney movies have posed negative thinking and perspectives to the older people. Even though the film broadens thinking capacity, it does not apply to all youths; most of the younger people have become brainwashed by these films since they spent a lot of time on the television, thus forgetting their studies.


The most social implications of animated films are how they have reinforced cultural stereotypes, especially in younger people. According to (Robinson, Callister, Magoffin, and Moore, 2007), Disney-aminated films have promoted and accepted harsh community expectations instead of defying them. However, in most cases, the film presents negative impressions to its viewers, thus promoting poor rhetorical expectations. Regarding these films, social culture has been affected and changed since most younger people have rushed to the Disney aminated movies.


Robinson, T., Callister, M., Magoffin, D., & Moore, J. (2007). The portrayal of older characters in Disney animated films. Journal of aging studies21(3), 203-213.

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