Essay on Child Development

Published: 2021/11/05
Number of words: 593

The child keeps growing physically, cognitively, and emotionally during adolescence, transitioning from childhood to adulthood. The reproductive and sexual organs become completely operational as the body enlarges. Simultaneously, as adolescents grow more sophisticated thinking ways and an immense sense of self, they try to recognize their identities, creating significant connections with individuals besides their parents. Most children find this era difficult since it contains new emotions, the desire to establish new social relationships, and a growing sense of responsibility and reliance.

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It is important to realize what happens and what is expected during identity development

  • An individual’s well-developed identity is made up of goals, values, and beliefs to which they are dedicated. It entails the understanding of one’s constancy over time and others’ recognition of that consistency.
  • The evolution of one’s identity is both a personal and a cultural construct. Much of this occurs, in adolescence where cognitive growth enables individuals to form a theory of self-depending on mentors and identity alternatives.
  • This developmental stage is an adolescent’s identity crisis, a critical period whereby a person should grow in some manner, guiding the adolescent into development and differentiation.
  • Identity is formed by weighing the pros and cons of several options and becomes dedicated to one based on the outcomes of those assessments. A lack of a well-developed sense of self can lead to identity uncertainty. Those who struggle with identity issues are uncertain of who they are or where they fit into society.
  • According to research, adolescents who consider their parents tend to express and loosen their control and restrictiveness are more likely to engage in a sort of excessive peer orientation (Fuligni & Eccles, 1993). Extreme peer orientation and peer advice-seeking are associated with adolescents who find minimal possibilities to participate in decision-making and no rise in these chances.
  • At the point of identity, development adolescent to develop a sense of separation. Separation-individuation in adolescence is considered a continuous process. Adolescents who achieve effective therapeutic separation-individuation, a feeling of self while being attached to the family as a functional member, are at the appropriate end of the continuum.
  • Nontherapeutic dysfunctional separation-individuation is at the other end of the spectrum. Disruptive behaviors, rejection of cultural and familial standards, and the possibility of suicide describe adolescents at the identity stage (Daniels, 1990). A range of elements such as conflict, parental attachment, and completion of earlier developmental tasks seem to influence effective separation-individuation.
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  • Adolescents from unconventional environments may face more significant challenges in completing this assignment therapeutically. Interventions to facilitate therapeutic separation-individuation must include all family members and community engagement (Lumen, n.d.). Family and community determine so much how an adolescent transitions to adults and how they develop their identity. Therapists can aid in empowering families with the skills they require to do this activity successfully by providing anticipatory coaching, information dissemination, associating behaviors, and support groups.
  • In conclusion, identity development theory is crucial in determining how adolescents realize their identity. The realization of self-determines whether these people will fit in the society. Family and society play a significant role in this stage. Therefore, they must be equipped with skills to allow adolescents to grow and develop identity.


Daniels, J. A. (1990). Adolescent separation-individuation and family transitions. Adolescence, 25(97), 105–116.

Fuligni, A. J., & Eccles, J. S. (1993). Perceived parent-child relationships and early adolescents’ orientation toward peers.Developmental Psychology, 29(4), 622-632.

Lumen. (n.d.). Identity Development Theory.

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