6 Ways To Remember More on Exam Day

The day of exams is one of the most daunting days during university. It’s pretty overwhelming as it’s where all of your hard work comes together. That’s why it’s important to make sure you retain as much information as possible! There’s nothing worse than sitting in an exam hall and realising you’ve forgotten the answer to a question. That’s why we’ve listed some ways to help you remember what’s important for exam day. These tips should make your revision easier and leave you feeling confident when the time rolls around.
1. Stay on top of your work
This is probably one of the most important tips to help your memory with any of your exams. You’ll probably be given a lot of information to digest and remember over the year so it’s best to look at it regularly over a prolonged period of time. Your memory will struggle far more if you try and do it all at once (unless you’re amazing at cramming that is!). Start revising from the get-go and work on it bit by bit up until your exam season. It’ll make all the difference and save you stressing at last minute trying to remember a wealth of information. The more you understand the information, the easier it will be to actually apply it to the question – application is everything!
2. Try meditation
Don’t knock it till you try it! It’s been said many times before that mediation is great for your memory so why not have a go. Not only that but it can help reduce your stress levels as your exams approach – we know how daunting they can be! Let’s be real, you’re not going to remember anything if you’re too stressed out to even think. Your mind is a bit like a piece of paper when you’ve got a lot of stuff written down, there’s no room to write anything else. By meditating you’ll clear your mind and make room for what’s important. Take a few minutes out of your day, especially if you’re working yourself up, and relax. Once you feel better you can go back to revising with a clear mind!
3. Repetition
One of the easiest ways to get any information to stick in your mind is through repetition. This could be done by saying something out loud over and over again or even writing it down repeatedly. The more you practice this, the more likely it’s going to stick. You can do this with anything from definitions to theories or methods so it should help with any subject you need to tackle. It’s also important that you don’t try and remember too much at once, as you don’t want topics to overlap in your mind. Focus on a few pieces at a time and once you feel confident enough that you remember it, you can move on.
4. Rhyming
It’s no secret that rhyming is great for remembering information. You may have heard plenty of rhymes during secondary school to help you remember things such as the order of the planets or the diameter of a circle. Thankfully, making your own works just as well and it’s a good idea to do make one with topics you’re struggling to remember. It also works well to put the information to the tune of a song you like and sing it over a couple of times. It’ll be stuck in your head before long and as annoying as it is, you’ll thank yourself afterwards. Just don’t sing out loud in the exam hall, they won’t like that!
5. Move while you learn
Revision can be pretty passive and you could find it’s hard to actually keep the information in your mind for long. Have you ever had that feeling when you’re reading but you’re not actually paying attention to what’s written down? Sadly, you won’t be learning anything if that’s the case. You have to stay focused and one way to do so is to get moving. It can be as simple as walking around while you read (or even listen to an audiobook) or creating a more active way to study but by doing so it’ll keep your mind from wandering. Keeping active in general is actually good for memory because if you’re active, so is your mind. Try and see if it helps!
6. Create memory associations
One thing that can really help you remember things is to picture them and that’s why associating information with an image is great to help your mind. How you do this is up to you. You can simply associate each piece of information with an image in your head, or you can draw diagrams related to the subject. Whichever you choose, remembering the diagram or image will then help you retain the information you’ve associated it with. It might seem strange but it actually makes a lot of sense. Besides images, you can associate memories with basically anything. Locations, colours, whatever helps you most! This is visual learning at its finest!
Now these are the tips you need to implement if you want to make the most out of revision. It’s trial and error to find the one that works the best for you, but once you’ve perfected it you’ll thank us! Every body’s mind is different so what works for one might not work for another. Hopefully, you find something that suits you. Good luck and remember, if you need any custom written exam notes then be sure to check out our services by clicking here!