Critically evaluate the extent to which research into personality disorders contributes to our understanding of criminal behaviour This essay will provide an outline of how research into personality disorder has strengthened knowledge about the antecedents of criminal behaviour. Initially, there will be a review of the nature of the relationship between personality disorder and criminal[…]
Gang violence and knife crime are caused by young people’s social background factors in association with individual risk factors which result from poverty, deprivation and associated social problems Introduction This report aims to address the question whether gang violence and knife crime among young people are caused by their social background. To answer this question,[…]
The classic 1972 film, The Godfather, amongst countless others, helped shape popular perception of the term ‘organised crime’: rich, powerful men of exotic ethnicity, often with political connections, commanding vast underworld empires and violently eliminating rivals. Although perhaps not entirely fictional, this portrayal is somewhat glamorised (like much portrayed in the mass media) and leads[…]
Chapter 1: Introduction The Background to this Research In the past thirty years police interviewing in the UK has advanced considerably. High profile miscarriages of justice (e.g. the Birmingham Six), legislative changes (e.g. the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984), the introduction of formalised training packages (e.g. PEACE1), and some large scale studies of interviewing[…]
Technology plays a crucial role in the function of the Criminal Justice System. In some contexts, technology appears to have divined its own ‘regulatory’ power, one which extends beyond legal recourse. Society itself can be viewed as the docile body ‘that may be subjected, used, transformed and improved’ (Foucault, 1977, p.136). The reinforcement technology is[…]
In discussing and looking at terrorism, the diversity of opinion and the controversy surrounding its acceptance and justification becomes clear. In looking at whether there are grounds for justification in any particular instance of terrorism, or certain conditions which can make it acceptable, there will also be a reflection on how, with particular scholars, it[…]
Rape, regardless of the age, race or gender of the victim or perpetrator, be it in time of peace or war, is a deeply invasive and traumatising experience. To determine the extent to which constructs of masculinities and masculinity can contribute to explanation of rape, we must clarify several points. To begin with, we must[…]