Essay on What Are the Two Most Important Topics in the USA Today?

Published: 2021/12/17
Number of words: 998

During this period of economic, technical, and political change, elected representatives, political appointees, government workers, and ordinary Americans seek new perspectives on the most pressing challenges of our day. In this era of fast change, it is more vital than ever for legislators to comprehend the long-term consequences of their decisions. With a record series of natural catastrophes involving fires, storms, and droughts, climate changes have become much more severe than they ever were. Geopolitical instability is now a common experience inside and between countries, impacting states that had been unstable for a long time and those that had formerly been seen as pillars of democratization and security. Immigration is another topic most crucial today. A large number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, have been reported. This has caused a public uproar among the citizens calling for the regulation of immigration.

Immigration is among the essential building pieces that contribute to America’s exclusivity. Nevertheless, since politicians have preferred politics above ethics, the discussion over boundary security and immigration has turned poisonous. And sensible Americans are caught in the center of extremists on each side. So, what might an intelligent immigration reform plan in the United States look like? An absence of congressional action on immigration reform increased border and interior implementation of immigration rules. A slow-growing US economy has slowed the influx of immigrant labor (Parag& yang, 267). According to demographers, the situation of Mexico is particularly remarkable; they are claiming that net inflows from Mexico were negative in the five years after the Great Recession. The “push factors” that drove widespread emigration for four decades have been blunted by Mexico’s economic stability and reduced population growth.

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Immigration is the lifeblood of the economy. When immigrants join the labor, they increase the economic growth output and GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do the earnings of locals. It’s recognized as the “immigration bonus,” While locals only get a tiny part of the increased GDP, it’s a big deal. Immigrants grease the wheels of the labor market by pouring into businesses and regions where workers are in short supply — where inefficiencies or shortages would otherwise stifle growth. This isn’t to argue that states shouldn’t be concerned about the migrant problem in the short term; they shouldn’t be. It raises humanitarian and security issues that authorities must address. However, simply reacting to the crisis’s urgent symptoms is insufficient. Leaders also want a long-term plan that allows would-be migrants to improve their lives where they are without resorting to the risky and costly option of migrating. The crisis will never stop unless countries address the underlying issue of why migrants make dangerous travel in the first place.

While everyone’s attention is naturally drawn to COVID-19, climate change’s effects are still being seen across the country and around the world. Wildfires in the West devastated 10 million square miles, displacing hundreds of people and creating a toxic smoke that lingered for weeks over numerous states, worsened by dry seasons. The East and Gulf coastlines were affected by various named hurricanes and storms, such as Laura, which killed hundreds and left substantial financial losses in Louisiana, notably $1.6 billion in damages to the nation’s agriculture industry.

The US is a signatory to the Paris Agreement and has established a national strategy and action plan to achieve global emission objectives. The Paris Agreement was approved on December 12, 2015, during the 21st UN Meeting of the Parties in Paris and November 4, 2016. The agreement’s objective is to keep global heating much lower than 2 degrees Celsius (likely 1.5 degrees Celsius) comparative to proper altitudes. To do this, nations must reach a worldwide peak in greenhouse gas emissions as rapidly as possible to create a climate-neutral society by the middle of the century (Parag& yang, 258). The United States’ actions, as the world’s biggest economy, the second- emitter of carbon emissions, and re-engaging force in climate talks, may either impede or accelerate the global movement.

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If the US fails to meet commitments that the rest of the world considers substantial, it will be increasingly difficult to persuade other nations to take more severe action. Credible US action may provide the platform for authentic leadership, as the US proved at the Paris COP through bilateral treaties with China. The governments have set lofty climate goals, pledging to develop laws, legislation, and incentives to hasten carbon reduction. However, only two countries are now on track to fulfill their Paris Agreement objectives. Some people may make a big difference by directing stimulus funds to clean energy firms, sustainable industry, and green infrastructure through “green recovery” programs and similar initiatives (Parag& yang, 258). Even authorities that oppose a clean energy strategy must think about catastrophe preparedness and climate adaption measures.

Both immigration and climate change are core topics in the USA now. They should be addressed, and a permanent solution is found to solve these issues. To comprehend how each crisis affects the most vulnerable individuals, we look at their fundamental causes and links. We then work with organizations, authorities, private businesses, and, most significantly, residents in the areas we serve to establish realistic, long-term alternatives. Not only do we discover new methods to eliminate barriers to peace and prosperity as a result of this process, but we also discover new ways to make fundamental, long-term changes.

Resource Page

Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects- and Benefits of Migration Change and the Individual


Mahajan, Parag, and Dean Yang. “Taken by storm: Hurricanes, migrant networks, and us immigration.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12.2 (2020): 250-77.

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