Essay on Health and Social Care Act of 2012

Published: 2021/11/12
Number of words: 2225

Government policy formulation is always triggered by some aspects, which are aimed to improve service delivery to users within an economy. Provision of healthcare facilities is sensitive, and practitioners in the field should exhibit a high level of professionalism for the achievement of sustainability in the sector (Adams, 2007). For instance, social issues within a population can prompt the government to formulate strategies to handle the problem. Circumstances such as disease outbreak within a population can influence the formulation of specific policies as it relates to healthcare (Williams, 2002). The study focuses on evaluating an existing government policy and its relevance to service users. Equally, the paper will seek to gain an understanding of the services that are provided by specific legislation or policy. A thorough discussion of the policy is important to provide insight into the phenomenon. The research will also seek to discuss the decision making process of the policy and possible impacts that are associated (Field and Brown, 2019). To meet the objectives set, the study will use the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 in the United Kingdom to explore the concept (Care Quality Commission, 2012). In essence, the report aims to discuss the Health and Social act of 2012 in its bid to establish facts that revolve around policy formulation.

The legislation was adopted as a way of driving the economy to sustainability by providing healthcare facilities. The need for sustainability in the field of healthcare necessitated the formulation of a framework that addresses issues that arise. The main aim is to improve the population health of a particular nation (Williams, 2002). The implementation of the framework saw the development of the National Health Service commissioning board and other groups with similar capabilities. For instance, the act stipulates the role of practitioners in various facilities in facilitating equity. There is a need to show equality in the provision of services to patients within a country. Upon its inception, the act was meant to instil excellence in the healthcare sector through the National Health Service (Field and Brown, 2019). The act stipulates what is required of each stakeholder in the provision o healthcare facilities in the United Kingdom. In essence, the act was established to ensure sustainability through the National Health Service (Walshe, 2012). The act was established to reduce the high level of inequality that was notable in the provision of services. For instance, minority groups are at a high risk of receiving poor services in the country. Both equality and excellence were required in the sector, which prompted many parliamentarians to rally behind the implementation of the act.

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The Health and social care Act of 2012 was established to support equity in the healthcare sector, and at the same time, spearhead improved performance. The act mentions the responsibilities of various stakeholders in the industry. The first part concentrates on what the Secretary of State on health is obliged to do to promote sustainability (Williams, 2002). According to the act, the secretary of state should be held accountable on matters relating to the provision of standardized healthcare. Part one of the act saw the creation of the National Health Service commissioning board and the abolition of strategic health operations. The second phase of the act dealt with some provisions, including the abolition of the Health Protection Agency (HPA). Equally, functions of the HPA were transferred to the secretary of state for health. Biological substances and radiation protection was a provision introduced in the second part. The repealing of the AIDS control Act of 1987 was done in part two, including the duties that all bodies providing healthcare facilities are obliged to follow. The act underwent many transformations with subsequent parts covering important aspects in healthcare such as adult and child care facilities.

The impact of the implementation of the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 can be felt within the healthcare system of the country. For instance, the fact that the act supports equality in the provision of services has reduced disparities that were notable initially. Racial prejudice is still notable in the provision of healthcare facilities, even though the law discourages the same. The act asserts that all people are equal and should be treated fairly when receiving services, despite one’s skill color, culture and other factors (Sadek and Sadek, 2004). Equally, the legislation has been at the forefront of championing excellence within healthcare facilities. As such, the quality of service provision has improved over time, indicating how important it has been in shaping reforms within the healthcare sector. Every practitioner’s role is well outlined in the policy to enhance professionalism and improved service provision. Such provisions make healthcare employees committed to achieving high service delivery to people (Adams, 2007). The act is instrumental in controlling and offering guidance in a case where there is a conflict of interest, especially among clinical practitioners. Such conflicts affect one’s performance leading to poor service delivery in the healthcare sector. In essence, the health and social care act of 2012 is a legal framework that serves to ensure sustainability in Medicare provision.

Some policies were formulated as a way of controlling the behavior of workers in the Medicare industry. For instance, the act states what is required of the secretary of state to health as far as the provision of standardized healthcare facilities is concerned (Howieson, 2012). Such regulations are important at places of work with a view of promoting population health. Equally, the act included provisions to abolish the Health Protection Agency, which was replaced by a National Health Service board. The board has been efficient in ensuring that people in the country receive standardized Medicare services in an equal manner. In the Health and Social Care act, policies on child care and adult care devilment are handled (Field and Brown, 2019). The act served as a way of addressing significant issues in the health care sector that has derailed the achievement of a desirable level of population health. Policies that govern the distribution of resources for the provision of services are inclusive in the health and social care act of 2012. The policies have proved helpful in promoting equality, excellence and coverage of the healthcare facilities.

The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 has affected many people in the United Kingdom as service users in the Medicare field. For instance, service users have the privilege of receiving equal treatment as far as healthcare is concerned (Sadek and Sadek, 2004). Prejudice against a population that needs medicine is detrimental to improved universal healthcare. The government understands the importance of a healthy population and therefore, the need to excel in service provision. The health and social care act of 2012 rejuvenated society’s trust in the government to improve the delivery of healthcare services. With a list of guidelines and tasks of what one should perform at work, users experience convenience and efficient. In essence, users are benefitting from the strategies that were put in place through the act (Glover-Thomas, 2013). The act provides an opportunity for controlled drug pricing, which has promoted consumer welfare. Lack of such policing within the community exposes individuals to exploitation by unscrupulous business people. Equally, users are advantaged by the fact that there are better and improved hospital facilities.

Commission groups established within the society help detect any possible dangers that might risk the wellness of a population. In the event, the government can formulate plans to ensure that the problem is curtailed early enough. The groups inquire and research on issues that can otherwise risk the health of the population. In essence, the health and social care act of 2012 works to ensure that the population is safe and healthy (Sadek and Sadek, 2004). The legislation has powerful guidelines that shape the manner, which the sector is run. Implementation of the act in the United Kingdom has contributed to excellence in delivering quality services (Nazarko, 2004). Users are enjoying the experience as they are handled professionally and with deserved respect. The idea of introducing penalties for violations of set ethical standards has ensured that users receive quality services.

The Health and social care act helps deliver services to individuals within the United Kingdom. For instance, it allows for assessment of the population to determine its vulnerability to disease. Some diseases can be dangerous and fatal to a population, which necessitates the introduction of procedures to test any disease or condition that may be impending. Failure to conduct such assessments puts the whole population health at risk (Nazarko, 2004). Healthcare services are a basic need, and any slight chance to overlook the sector can lead to fatalities within the population. The health department in the UK is well structured and organized due to the act, which has provided crucial principles on the handling of matters pertaining to healthcare. For instance, the act outlines duties for each body in the healthcare sector (Speed and Gabe, 2013). Such restrictions put facilities on toes to provide the best of care to both children and adults. It is through the legislation that the government controls the exploitation of its citizens by poor service provision in healthcare facilities (Kew and Stredwick, 2008). The policies in place coordinate the running of operations in the healthcare sector to the extent of achieving sustainability. The health and social care act of 2012 is crucial to the population health in the United Kingdom.

Besides assessment of the health status of a population, the act has ensured that people are treated in an equal manner despite their color, originality or ethnic community. Inequalities in the healthcare sector have existed for decades within the country, and there is a need to address the matter by implementing legislation that prohibits any kind of discrimination (Kew and Stredwick, 2008). Prejudice in a healthcare facility can make worsen a patient’s condition, which necessitates for equality in such a context. Other services provided courtesy of implementation of the act include advising clients on the best of habits that promote good health among the population. An informed population is in a better position of preventing a possible outbreak compared to when one lacks information (Pownall, 2013). As such, the health and social care act of 2012 is a law that was put in place to handle inequalities and improve the quality of service provision (Kew and Stredwick, 2008). Equally, the staff employed by the National Health Service work hard to sensitize the community on matters that pertain to healthcare.

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The decision-making process of policy formulation is based on some aspects, including the health of the population itself (Nazarko, 2004). In cases where the population health is poor, there is a need to put more effort to restore the desired condition. Financial considerations should be made when devising policies geared towards the promotion of population health in the United Kingdom. Bodies that take part healthcare provision should be tasked with the obligation of promoting good practices (Adams, 2007). Decisions that determine the distribution of resources should be made collectively after engaging various stakeholders in the field.

To sum it up, population health is n important aspect, which affects the economic performance of a country. The paper focuses on the decision-making process that is involved in the formulation of policies. Some policies are set up as a result of a particular incident, while others are not. The study applied the health and social care act of 2012 as an example to illustrate government policies and how they impact operations, especially in the healthcare sector. The act was established primarily to enhance equality and propel excellence in the healthcare sector. The act outlines distinctly roles that each stakeholder must oblige to do for mutual understanding. Equally, the act has promoted good practices within the healthcare sector that have improved the provision of holistic care. In essence, the report is focused on evaluating the Health and Social care act of 2012 and its impact on the provision of standardized services. It is always crucial to devise strategic measures that can promote the welfare of people, especially for healthcare.


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Howieson, W.B., 2012. Mission command: a leadership philosophy for the Health and Social Care Act 2012?. International Journal of Clinical Leadership17(4).

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Speed, E. and Gabe, J., 2013. The Health and Social Care Act for England 2012: the extension of ‘new professionalism’. Critical Social Policy33(3), pp.564-574.

Walshe, K., 2012. The consequences of abandoning the health and social care bill.

Williams, R.S., 2002. Managing employee performance: Design and implementation in organizations. Cengage Learning EMEA.

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