Essay on Digital Culture, Technologies and Formation of Popular Culture

Published: 2021/11/09
Number of words: 3283


The advancement of technology cross the world has led to increased use of digital technologies within society. It is important to note that digital technology is a pillar towards globalization and development of popular culture (Gawer, 2014). The essay seeks to explore through different theoretical perspectives, the impact of digital culture and technologies on the formulation of popular culture. Popular culture in a community implies to a set of recognizable beliefs, practices and objects that are essential to individuals at a given point. The development and incorporation of technology into culture has had an impact on cultural orientations. There are different theoretical perspectives that can be used to explain the impact of digital technologies on cultural orientations within a country (Deuze, 2006). Examples of theories that can help gain a deeper understanding to the matter includes post-modernism, functionalism, structuralism, feminism and Marxism. An examination on the theories mentioned can help gain a deeper understanding on how culture evolves and develops in society. The development of a culture where people rely on digital technology has changed the scope of cultural operations and growth (Ceron-Anaya, 2010). For instance, changes in the film industry and pop music illustrate that culture has changed and is transforming due to interactions that happen. The essay will focus on highlighting the impact of digital culture and technologies on the formulation of popular culture.

Popular Culture and its Formulation

Popular culture within society is formed when members of the community recognize some practices and beliefs as important. For instance, some meals have specific features and preparation procedures that make them unique and recognizable to particular community (Waldfogel, 2018). Cultural experiences and attitudes in society play an important role in determining the culture that exists within the place. Popular culture can refer to music that a particular society embraces and aspects of technology involved. A base ball game in the United States is n illustration of popular culture that began decades ago in the country. When a community readily agrees on accessible cultural experiences, the new practices and beliefs can be referred to popular culture (Deuze, 2006). Internet activism is on the rise and it is important to explore it is an example of popular culture that has developed with regards to digital culture. Equally, political practices within the United States can illustrate adopting of a popular culture. Popular culture forms when individuals within a place are used to specific practices, beliefs and other issues that impact life in society. The internet era has changed the scope of operations for many aspects in society life (Gawer, 2014). In essence, popular culture develops as a set of practices that a particular community recognizes as important at a particular time. For instance, internet marketing is one popular culture that has emerged due to use of digital technology in business.

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Internet Use and Impact on Formulation of Popular Culture

The development of the internet across the world has changed the scope of operations across many divides in the world. The internet affects popular culture across the world in a significant way and it is important for the essay to explore how it impacts the formulation of a culture in various societies (Niemeyer and Keightley, 2020). Culture is designed as shared behavior that affects people within a society in one way or the other. The es6tablishment of information and technologies in the world has boosted globalization in a significant manner. Culture is an essential aspect that can help change the scope of operations in business, education and other sectors of the economy. It is important that the essay applies the postmodernism theory in culture to explain important changes and possible impacts of the use of internet on formulation of a popular culture (Causey, 2007). The internet has been a pillar to the formulation of digital culture that has influenced popular culture to a large extent. For instance, internet activism is on the rise with the establishment of digital technologies. There are many organizations across the world that uses the internet as a platform where they reach out to people from different parts of the world. An example of internet activism that is evident includes political campaigns and health campaigns (Waldfogel, 2018). Equally, black activism is one of the most famous online activism that has happened in the recent past. Black people and other activists in support have been utilizing social media platforms as a way of rallying support.

Feminism is another activist movement that has done well in the recent past due to the development of digital technology. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have proved instrumental in reaching out to the public and speaking out particular concerns that affect the lives of women in society (Causey, 2007). The digital culture has developed a individuals can communicate online and share their experiences. In essence, the development of the internet has been a boost to the change of the way popular culture is formulated. For instance, using Facebook to share and receive news has been a development that has taken the world by storm. Social media platforms have proved to attract more traffic than offline platform, which makes it easier for people to interact and share. Communication is one of the pillars towards change in society and feminist movements have utilized the opportunity. In most societies, women had no voice in society and had no representations on political platforms (Lee, 2009). However, with increased activism, much has changed to accommodate women in various fields within the economy. In essence, feminism has gained popularity and taken effect across the world as aided by internet activism.

Digital Food Cultures and Popular Culture

The recent developments in digital technology have taken the world by storm including development of a culture where consumers can purchase food online. For instance, individuals can use the internet to order for food from online platforms across the world (Niemeyer and Keightley, 2020). The development of a culture where individuals can remotely and conveniently order for food of their choices is an indication of the establishment of popular culture. There are many e-platforms that sell food products and it is convenient for customers to order. One of the most interesting facts about the development of popular culture is that the society has transformed and incorporated the new ways of operation. Staying healthy is an important aspect that individuals in society monitor (Waldfogel, 2018). The use of internet and social media devices have led to establishment of a culture where people can request for meals from remote locations in a convenient manner. In essence, much has changed due to development of digital food cultures that aim to give the customer a different experience. The conflict theory of cultural transformation can help explain how communities across the world have faced challenges due to cultural differences and beliefs (Ceron-Anaya, 2010). For instance, race is a sensitive factor that has led to social injustices in most parts of the world. The development of a culture where individuals in society are defined by class, race or gender is detrimental towards economic growth and development.

It is important to examine how digital food culture has led to establishment of a popular culture in the world. The conflict theory is a position to account for differences that are notable based on tastes, preferences and choices (Kent, 2020). For instance, people in the middle or high class can purchase food products online since they have internet accessibility. Lack of internet can be detrimental to use of digital technologies to achieve efficiency in an economy. Inequalities in the world have led to development of a culture where people recognize the differences (Strachan, 2017). Some people in society can afford to order for food online unlike those in the lower social class where individuals struggle to make ends meet. Self-tracking is another aspect that has risen due to development of digital technologies. Customers can track hotels and restaurants with healthier food products for their own good. The digital food culture across the world is an illustration of the impact of technology in formulation of a popular culture that is recognized (Tatarchevskiy, 2011). In the recent past, there was no online platform that could sell food and track how well their customers are doing. The advancement of digital technology is an indication that popular culture can develop at any time when society recognizes some beliefs and aspects as important.

Racism is another aspect 6that has impact society life in many places across the world. Blacks have faced much animosity from white counterparts in many parts of America and the United Kingdom (Gawer, 2014). Such social injustices have been a contributor towards the inequalities that exist within countries. Some individuals in society consume particular meals based on their choices, tastes and preferences. It is important to highlight that not all people in such economies can afford to access food remotely via the internet. Equally, such individuals cannot track their health developments based on meals that they take (Strachan, 2017). In essence, technology has significantly led to development of digital food cultures that have taken the world by storm. Individuals from any part of the world can train on how to cook particular means even though they do not come from the same cultural background. Economic production and materialism are useful concepts that should be considered when exploring culture within society. The fact that society is dependent on technology has changed the scope of operation in most sectors of the economy. People with less power have little ability to adapt to cultural changes in most societies (Sobande, 2019). As such, smaller groups in society will face difficulties in handling issues with inequalities in a significant manner. The United States is one of the countries that have adopted economic production as a strategy that can help reduce disparities in cultural practices that have impacted formulation of a popular culture.

Technology, Music and Popular Culture

Technology has impacted the development of the music industry in a significant manner over the last few years. Digital technology use in the music industry has done well to ensure that artists can sell their tunes to customers directly (Tatarchevskiy, 2011). One of the recent developments in the world of music is pop that has taken many by storm. Originally, pop music is linked to Black Americans in the United States. It is important to note that much has changed in the music industry and pop music adopted new strategies that have seen it gain more popularity (Lee, 2009). The development art based on technology is an illustration of how digital culture leads to the formulation of a popular culture. One of the recent developments in technology that has changed the world in one way or the other is the use of Digital Audio Workstation. Both artists and producers can use its interface to control the production of music in a significant manner. In essence, technology has been a pillar for improved music developments across the world. People can listen to music on their smartphones from remote locations (Strachan, 2017). Applications such as YouTube have made it easier for people to remotely access music of their taste. Such developments in the digital technology have led to formulation of a popular culture where producers and musicians apply technological advancements in promoting efficiency and efficiency.

Technology is essential in ensuring that musicians secure their intellectual property and avoid unnecessary theft. Digital developments in society are helpful in promoting and adding to existing devices that spice music (Sobande, 2019). For instance, use of live video recording has been helpful in promoting the quality of music that many artists make. Digital technology is a pillar towards change in society and the music industry has transformed in a significant manner. Multi-track recording is another important digital development that has led to change of pop culture in music production (Marsh, 2005). Initially, sound engineers and musicians had to record a whole track as one, which has since changed the scope of operations in the industry. Artists and sound engineers can do several separate parts of one song with the option and record it as one (Strachan, 2017). In essence, digital technology in music has led to changes that can since be termed as development of a popular cul6ture in the industry. Technology and digital culture across the world has led to transformations in the music industry in a significant manner.

Digital Culture, Technology and Social Interactions

Digital technology across the world has changed the way people interact and communicate on a daily basis. For instance, establishment of various social media platforms has changed the way people interact to a large extent. The interactionist sociological perspective can help explain how much has changed regarding interactions and communication. In the past, people used to meet and communicate with each other through conventional means that existed (Marsh, 2005). The development of social media and other aspects has changed the scope of operation in a significant manner (Lee, 2009). Platforms that are widely applied in communication include Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok. Such platforms have been instrumental in helping people in society communicate in an efficient and convenient manner from remote locations. Facebook offers a messaging service that allows end users to communicate in private regardless of their location (Lupton and Feldman, 2020). Digital technology has changed the way and culture of communication in most societies. Large companies use such platforms to communicate with clients from different parts of the world. Traditional approaches to communication are not tenable in most circumstances as people prefer convenience and speed. Communication in society creates awareness and ensures that people have solved crucial problems that impact their wellbeing (Tatarchevskiy, 2011). Failure to administer the right communication approaches can be detrimental to passing of information from one place to another. Equally, digital approaches to communication have proved efficient in promoting reliability and faster decision making.

Companies have resolved to use of artificial intelligence as approaches that can promote business operations in the market. Artificial intelligence is used to capture and gather important information from various online platforms (Sobande, 2019). The culture of many societies has been impacted by developments in technology. Communities can communicate their intentions to the world regardless of the global location of an individual. In essence, technology has led to development of a digital culture that supports business operations (Marsh, 2005). For instance, communicating to clients who need feedback on a particular matter can be done by automated responses in the system. Facebook and other social media platforms have established systems that can provide feedback without needing the input of a human (Kent, 2020). The formulation of a popular culture has been influenced by internet use and digital practices in many parts of the world. People have developed a habit of communicating and interacting online unlike in the past when face-to-face communication was preferred.

Why Popular Culture Matters

It is important for the essay to establish technology impacts operations in various societies and the development of a popular culture. The first aspect that makes a popular culture important includes improved mutual co-existence in society (Lupton and Feldman, 2020). Culture is essential in helping communities interact with each other keep a high level of diplomacy. The fact that people communicate from remote locations without restriction is an indication that popular culture matters. People communicate more often through online digital approaches as compared to the past when conventional means were common. Communities that have popular culture have done well economically and in reducing inequalities that impact the wellbeing of people in society (Lee, 2009). Popular culture forms a basis for societal conformity and respect for one’s beliefs. Minority groups in most parts of the world can benefit from popular cultures as it echoes the practices and beliefs that are generally acceptable among a people (Deuze, 2006). Culture is an equalizer that makes each individual in society to feel equal as their counterparts as nothing makes anyone special. Each member has to comply and respect beliefs and practices of popular culture. In essence, popular culture promotes conformity in society and mutual co-existence among its members.

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Cultural orientations in society define the beliefs and ideals of a people in a significant manner. Politicians across the world should embrace popular culture as a way of reaching out to individuals in society (Lupton and Feldman, 2020). Failure to do the same attracts further challenges that can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings in society. Societies that have been dominated by poor cultural orientations that do not accommodate multiculturalism face a challenge in maintaining a peaceful and respectable society (Deuze, 2006). There is a need to address the issue of cultural segregation that is affecting the growth and development of a popular culture. Popular culture matters to each society as one cannot connect with them without showing respect for beliefs and practices within a particular community. Popular culture is important has it has helped reduce the negative consequences that are associated with racism and ethnicity (Kent, 2020). Countries that have popular cultures such as the baseball game use it as an opportunity to interact and share with others. In essence, popular culture in most societies act as a way of uniting people and reducing the possibility of developing conflicts that can be detrimental to economic growth.


To sum it up, popular culture refers to a set of practices, beliefs and objects that are important to a particular community at a given time. For instance, the baseball game is an illustration of popular culture that can bring people together in a community. The essay explores the impact of digital culture and technologies in formulation of a popular culture. For instance, the establishment of internet has been a pillar that has led to development of a popular culture. The internet provides an opportunity for many in society to interact and share crucial aspects that affect life. For instance, popular culture can refer to practices in popular music and filming. Failure to embrace popular culture can lead to conflicts that should be handled as they can hinder economic progress. The interactionist theory, feminism and postmodernism can be used as theories to help increase the scope of understanding on the discussion topic.


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