Essay on Diet Analysis

Published: 2021/11/09
Number of words: 1865


The importance of healthy eating is well documented. This is an area that has been receiving enormous attention in the past years. According to Skerrett and Willet (2010), the enormous attention in the essential nature of eating healthy has brought forth a solid stand on the important diet needs and how beneficial to human beings. Kennedy (2006) further argued that nutrition prospects are vital for prolonging the health wellness of people. These are evidence that people have to make sure that they eat food that has nutritional benefits for their health and wellness. This is the main concept behind the purpose of this report. This report focuses on the analysis of a diet and the deficiencies in the diet to propose s better-eating schedule for people. It, therefore, addresses the benefits of focusing on some nutrients while minimizing others for better health by people.

My Diet Analysis and Discussion

Deferent sources from the past years have attempted to outline the number of diets that the body of personal needs. On the other hand, some of the foods that we eat do not meet the required amount or exceed the amount and this is always not considered healthy. Therefore, this part presents the dietary amount that I consume. In addition to that, this part puts the consumption amount alongside the required amount and therefore comes up with an analysis of my diet thus outlining the possible outcomes of the diet.

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First and foremost, it is well established that calories are important for the wellbeing of a consumer. However, too much intake is always dangerous and can cause some health issues. From the analyzed foods in the selected days, the calories from fats were 122% and those from salt fat were 101%. Generally, the calorie intake was not far from the recommended values. On the other hand, the protein intake was recorded at 119%. Also, the saturated fat was at 101% and fats at 122%. In addition to that, the cholesterol percentage was at 103% and sodium at 126%.

From the recommended amounts of intake, all the above-mentioned nutrients were above the recommended intake. However, some of them were not above by far. Therefore, it is well established that a slight reduction in the consumption of the above-mentioned nutrients would go a long way in providing a healthier lifestyle. From the values provided, it is well established that sodium was taken at 126% which is the higher as per the recommended intake. According to (n.d.), too much sodium has great risks of heart diseases. Too much intake can increase risks for getting enlarged heart muscle, kidney disease, headaches, osteoporosis, heart failure, stroke, kidney stones, high blood pressure, and stomach cancer. Therefore, the intake of sodium has to be reduced for better wellbeing.

On the other hand, the dietary analysis obtained outline that some nutrients were taken in lesser amounts as compared to the recommended measure. Carbohydrates intake was at 81%, the percentage of calorie intake was 96%, and dietary fiber was taken at 73%. These are the nutrients that were taken less but closer to the recommended amount and therefore, are not considered to cause many health risks to the consumer. However, some other nutrients were taken in very low amounts. These, therefore, have the potential of causing health issues to the consumer. From the collected data, Vitamin E and D and magnesium were consumed at 4%, Zinc was a consumer at 6%, potassium at 7% and Vitamin B6 consumed at 9%. These nutrients were consumed at the lowest rate as compared to the recommended amount.

Different studies have attempted to outline that poor nutrition behavior causes poor health. This concept covers both less and excess intake of some specific nutrients. Khan, Khan, Khan, Zia-ul-islam, Baber, and Khan (2018) outlined that the body has to have a balance in the intake of the nutrients and this brings forth the need of analyzing the entire nutrients intake. This brings forth the need of balancing the entire nutrients intake by the body for better health. Therefore, it is well established that people who take food that have fewer nutrients as compared to those that are required to stand a chance of getting poor health. On the other hand, there are different risks associated with all the nutrients that are taken either more than in deficiency.

From the data obtained, Vitamin D and E were taken at the lowest rate of 4%. According to Franzisca (2018), there are numerous risks associated with less intake of Vitamin D. These risks include getting sick often, tiredness and fatigue, Back and bone pains, impaired wound healing, depression, hair loss, bone loss, and muscle pains. On the other hand, vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and muscle damage. Also, it can cause loss of sight and body movement management. Therefore, it is well established that less intake of these nutrients is risky for a person.

On the other hand, the results outlined that Zinc and potassium were also taken in deficiency. This brings out the fact that I had poor eating habits and therefore, there was a grave need for a change for a better and healthier future. Lewis (2020) outlined that less intake of potassium has the potential of causing Hypokalemia which is a health complication. On the other hand, less zinc causes hair loss, eye and skin loss, and diarrhea. This brings forth the fact that people that do not take the required amount of zinc also stand a chance of getting health issues and most importantly have poor health. Therefore, there is a grave need of reducing the intake of zinc and potassium in the intake of food.

In addition to that, it is well established that calcium was also taken in low amounts. This was at 18% as compared to the intake that is recommended. Vitamin C was taken at 14% and mono fat and poly fats are taken at 14% and 24% respectively. As compared to the recommended amount intake of all the nutrients, it is well established that all these vitamins and nutrients were taken at very low amounts and as a result, the person stands a chance of gaining poor health conditions. This, therefore, definitely brings forth the need for a change. Different sources have attempted to outline the risks of taking less calcium among other nutrients and therefore, people have to make sure that they take enough of these nutrients in their meals.

Generally, some numerous vitamins and nutrients were taken in low amounts. On the other hand, studies have also outlined that less intake of most nutrients has great potential of causing poor health on people. This brings forth the need of monitoring the nutrients intake by every person. Therefore, it is well established that I have to come up with the best nutrition habits for better health today and in the future.

Recommendations and Conclusion

From different studies, it is well established that there are numerous foods that a human being can consume to aim for more nutrition benefits. First and foremost, it is well established that the potassium intake was low; therefore, I would make sure that I take foods such as potatoes, bananas, fruits, cooked spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, eggplant, Zucchini, and Pumpkins. These foods will assist in giving me enough potassium (WebMD, n.d.). On the other hand, milk cheese, and dry foods, soya beans, nuts, bread, and fish would greatly assist me in ensuring that I gain enough potassium (NHS, n.d.).

In addition to all that Salmon, Chinook, smoked, Fish oil, cod liver, Whitefish, mixed species and smoked would greatly assist in giving vitamin D while giving the minimum amount of calories as the consumed amount was already in excess from the analysis conducted (U.S Department of Agriculture, 2014). This means that there is a grave need of ensuring that as much as the diet maximizes foods that offer vitamin D, the calories are also minimized. Therefore, I would also ensure that I take the above foods.

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Also, the foods taken had less amount of vitamin E. The foods that will offer these nutrients include nuts, seeds, vegetables, and other green leafy vegetables such as kales and spinach. Therefore, these are the foods that I would ensure that the diet has to maximize the vitamin E. On the other hand, it is well established that there is also a grave need for minimizing the intake of foods that offer calories for better health.

Therefore, from the above information, it is well established that ensuring that all the named foods are included in my diet would go a long way in ensuring that all the needed nutrients are present and also that the health situation is solved. From the analyzed data, it is well established that the foods that were taken were not having great nutritional values and as a result, there is the need of ensuring that the eating habits are changed for better health. Therefore, this calls for the need to change all the foods taken and increase some nutriment while minimizing others. Therefore, ensuring that all the above-mentioned foods are present in the food intake is very important.


Franzisca, S. (2018). 8 Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency. Healthline. Retrieved from (n.d.). Effects of Excess Sodium Infographic. Retrieved from,Osteoporosis

Kennedy, E. T. (2006). Evidence for nutritional benefits in prolonging wellness. The AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition, 82(2), 410S–414S.

Khan, A., Khan, S. U., Khan. S., Zia-ul-islam, S., Baber, N. K., & Khan, M. (2018). Nutritional complications and their effects on human health. Journal of Food, Science and Nutrition, 1(1), 17-20. DOI:10.35841/food-science.1.1.17-20

Lewis, J. L. (2020). Hypokalemia (Low Level of Potassium in the Blood). Marck Manual Consumer Version. Retrieved from,abnormal%20heart%20rhythms%20may%20develop.

NHS,( n.d.). Calcium-Vitamins and minerals. Retrieved from

Skerrett, P. J., & Willet, W. C. (2010). Essentials of Healthy Eating: A Guide. Journal of Midwife Women Health, 55(6), 492 – 501.DOI: 10.1016/j.jmwh.2010.06.019

U.S Department of Agriculture, (2014). Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 27. Available at:

WebMD, (n.d). Potassium Rich Foods. Retrieved from

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