Essay on Advanced Social Science

Published: 2021/11/30
Number of words: 1643


Max Weber gained popularity based on his “ideal type” contributions in the understanding of contemporary sociology. Ideal types constitute a significant part of his methodology since he believed it was a sociologist’s responsibility to develop conceptual tools. Ideal implies a standard in its excellent perfection; thus, it insinuates a mental image. Weber came up with ideal types as a mental construct to aid scrutiny and systematic characterization of actual occurrences (Priyadarshir, n.d, pp.1-5). The ideal type was also used as a methodological tool to understand and analyze social reality. Methodology refers to a logical and conceptual research procedure used in knowledge development. Researchers use methodological concerns in social sciences to determine scientific credentials. Weber was triggered by objectivity, which has been a perennial challenge in social science research. This forced him to use the ideal type as a methodological tool to look into reality objectively. This essay will cover Max Weber’s ideal type concept, its use in social science research, examples of how Weber used the idea, and other scholars’ views on “ideal types” to explore how contemporary social scientists have employed the idea to study social phenomena. Therefore, this essay describes Max Weber’s concept of ideal type and its usefulness in social research.

Ideal type

An ideal type implies pure or abstract types excluding normatively pleasant objects. Weber argued that an ideal type has no nexus with value judgment. It also has no connection with any aspect of perfection apart from a purely logical one. An ideal type remains an integral aspect of Weber’s methodology since he believed it was a sociologist’s responsibility to develop a conceptual tool. As asserted by Weber, an ideal type implied a mental construct for the characterization of concrete situations. Thus, he used the term ideal type to insinuate a methodological approach to conceptualize and understand social reality (Priyadarshir, n.d, pp.1-5). Methodology refers to a logical and conceptual procedure used in knowledge development. Max Weber was pushed by objectivity in social sciences, a perennial problem in social science research over the decades. Thus, he came up with ideal types as a methodological framework that determines reality objectively. An ideal type is used to scrutinize, classify, systematize, and define social reality without bias. It is primarily used in research as a classification and comparison tool.

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Ideal types are mental constructs, which depend on individual capacity to comprehend and analyze. As mental constructs, ideal types are constructed in a manner that alienates them from the real world. In most cases, the ideal type is single-sided since it deliberately focuses on those imputations worth postulating. Ideal types are also abstract; therefore, they rest on human imagination. It can be used in social science research since most scientists use it as a tool for understanding nature (Bhattacherjee, 2012, pp.1-6). Weber was primarily concerned with the difficulty of achieving objectivity in social sciences. Thus, he utilized ideal types as a methodological tool that objectively examines reality. Social scientists develop ideal types to systematize and comprehend individual facts to help ascertain validity. Weber argued that ideal types could be used in measuring reality. The primary goal of ideal types was to compare multiple empirical situations with one another. This is critical in research since it can facilitate the derivation of testable hypotheses. Therefore, ideal types remain crucial in the analysis since they guide and structure comparative research undertakings. The tool is also used in research to scrutinize, classify, systematizes, and define social reality without subjective biases. They are also used as methodological tools to aid understanding and analysis of any social problem. Social science researchers use ideal types as a systematizing and learning tool to help them measure reality.

An example of how Max Weber used ideal types was in the development of bureaucracy models. Bureaucratic entities are complex with specific tasks to accomplish. The complexity of such organizations makes their understanding challenging. However, sociologists came up with several models to understand how bureaucratic organizations work. The Weberian model of bureaucracy was developed by Max Weber to describe the functioning of bureaucracies. He argued that life complexity escalated the demand of citizens for government services. In this assertion, Weber argued that an ideal type of bureaucracy entailed apolitical agencies, hierarchical organized, and administered through formal procedures (Lumen Candela, n.d, p.1). Weber argued that professional bureaucrats are more competent in resolving challenges logically. He believed that such strategies would be vital in eradicating entrenched patronage, stop conflictual decision-making processes by those in leadership, provide a management framework for executing recurrent tasks demanding no discretion, and creating a clear understanding of the services offered.

Another example is an assertion by Weber that sociological science can be developed based on ideal types since the discipline is based on social action and social behavior. As a result, every social action has an ideal (Priyadarshir, n.d, pp.1-5). The ideal types of social action exist in the human mind; hence, people can comfortably say that so and so is an idealist person.

Contemporary scholars have developed different views on ideal types refuting the claims made by Weber. Weber’s concept of ideal type is based on a general idea of rational social action; however, it is more of a historical totality when utilized in a research problem (Werner and Cahnman, 1965, pp.268-270). Contemporary scholars have not widely used the ideal types developed by Weber more than 100 years ago since they argue that Weber was not clear on the meaning of ideal types. As a result, even Weber’s students have not been passionate about articulating ideal types in a framework that can be used. A research framework needs verifiability of its premises; however, even Weber was unsure of the concept; thus, he referred to it as sketchy (Swedberg, 2017, pp.1-2). Contemporary scholars, such as Alfred Schutz, argue that Weber’s objectivity essay was developed when he was preoccupied with historical analysis.

Weber’s ideal types concept has been neglected by contemporary scholars based on its limitations to vividly articulate how it can achieve objectivity in social science research. Professor Hekman asserts that Weber’s idea is methodologically sound and consistent (Hekman, 1983, pp.119-121). Thus, it can be used to analyze subjective meanings and structural analysis. This shows that the concept has received mixed reactions from those who support its premises and those who do not (Lindbekk, 1991, pp.1-2). Schutz emphasizes the significance of Weber’s ideal type concept; hence, he incorporated it in most of his research.

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On the other hand, recent philosophical discussions and methodologies have refuted Weber’s ideal type as an obsolete idea that cannot address the contemporary social science problems (Hekman, 1983, pp.119-121). One strength of Weber’s ideal type was its use as a methodological tool that objectively looks into reality. Despite the current controversies, it provided a framework for social science researchers to ascertain their premises objectively. On the other hand, Weber’s ideal type had its limitations since he was not sure of the meaning of ideal types. Secondly, it was sketchy and partially inaccurate since Weber himself believed that it was vague. Finally, it has been refuted by contemporary scholars as obsolete and cannot be used to address the current social science challenges. This is because social phenomena are dynamic and change with time. Positivists focus on scientific evidence to reveal the truth on how a society functions. The focus of positivism was to unveil natural laws that applied to the community. On the contrary, Weber was concerned with objectivity in social science research; hence, he came up with the ideal type as a methodological tool that objectively examines reality.


The ideal type was developed by Max Weber to portray abstract realities. As a result, an ideal type has no connection with value judgment. An ideal type is one of Weber’s notable contributions to contemporary sociology since he believed that sociologists were responsible for developing conceptual tools. Weber shows that the ideal type is a mental construct for the systematic characterization of concrete situations. Therefore, he developed an ideal type as a methodological tool to comprehend and analyze social reality. Max Weber developed the ideal type framework to address the objectivity challenge faced in social science research. Thus, it became a critical methodological tool to examine reality objectively. It was developed to scrutinize, classify, systematize, and define social reality. The first characteristic of an ideal type is that it is a mental construct. Based on its mental construct nature, ideal types do not correspond to reality because they are constructed to alienate them from the real world. It was critical in social science research since it could be used as a measuring rod to ascertain reality. Ideal types are often used in a study to compare practical situations with one another, making them significant in directing and structuring comparative research. An example of how weber used the concept of the ideal type is the Weberian model of bureaucracy, where he argued that life complexity would accelerate citizens’ demands for government services. Max Weber’s ideal type has received mixed reactions from contemporary scholars. Some have supported it as methodologically and logically sound. On the other hand, some have refuted it as obsolete in addressing current social science problems.

Reference List

Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research; principles, methods, and practice Cahnman, W. (1965). Ideal type theory; Max Weber’s concept and some of its derivations.

Hekman, S. (1983) Weber’s Ideal Type: A Contemporary Reassessment, Polity, 16 (1):119-137

Lindbekk, T. (1992). The Weberian Ideal-Type: Development and Continuities, Acta Sociologica, 35(4): 285-297

Lumen Candela (n.d). Understanding bureaucracy and its types Priyadarshir, S. (n.d). Weber’s “ideal types:” definition, meaning, purpose, and use

Swedberg, R. (2017). How to use Max Weber’s ideal type in sociological analysis

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