Essay on Abortion

Published: 2021/12/24
Number of words: 1218

The abortion debate is undoubtedly a controversial issue when aspects of religion, legality, and morality are considered. The state of Texas is not immune to this debate. By description, abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus. Texas has enacted laws regarding this issue, and it is renowned for opposing this legalization process. In a recent attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus 2019, Governors in the United States of America proposed the banning of elective surgery (Totenburg). Texas State, therefore, imposed a prohibition on abortion as part of the elective surgeries ban initiative. This move, as seen by some legislators, is a way that the government of Texas is using to realize the state’s plan on abortion. Analyzing abortion prohibition concerning surrounding legalities, as well as the federal and Texas state perception is crucial, as it will improve society’s viewpoint on the issue.

The federal government currently recognizes the right of a woman to abortion. In one ruling, the Supreme Court acknowledged the free will decision of a woman to abort, making it legal (Shimabukuro and Lewis 57). Recent constitutional amendments have included funding aids for abortion and other health care protocols. However, they failed to include clauses delving on abortion, meaning, still, the decision as to whether to abort or not solely rests with the woman and that their choice is respected. In a Supreme Court landmark ruling made by Justice Blackman, the right to women’s determination to abortion is impeded, as the Texas state allows it only when it protects the life of the mother, and no other condition (Shimabukuro and Lewis 83). The state of Georgia and Texas were then advised to introduce attainable procedures and not to botch the legalization process on this issue. The Texas state has been opposing the idea of abortion within its jurisdiction.

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The Texas state perspective legalization background is argued based on saving the mother’s life. All legal frameworks and state constitutions have been revolving around this idea, and it is limited towards life-saving concept (Lindell). The recent policies delve squarely on abolishing abortion completely. A bill in the state assembly is currently proposing the illegalization of abortion in Texas, demanding that all abortion operations performed by doctors in the state should occur only when it aims to save the mother’s life or prevent serious injury. This proposal does not agree with the landmark 1973 ruling. However, it limits the Texas abortion to life-saving situations (Shimabukuro and Lewis 93). Also, there is a bill in Texas similar to the one instituted in Iowa, which is set to ban abortion after the seventh week of pregnancy, an exact time when the fetal heartbeat is detected. This bill’s objective is to abolish abortion in Texas, noting during the seventh week, most women are not certain if they are pregnant.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, during one of his speeches in early 2019, reiterated his support for the abolition of abortion. The president, with an idea to protect all human lives and dignity, proposed that legislations be constituted to ban late-term abortion, a point when a fetus can feel pain. Therefore, such a proposal aimed to protect the fetus from pain. Texas state legislators and other stringent opposers of abortion fully backed that idea, noting it concurs with their ideology. Moreover, the fact that it came from the president himself reinforces their stance, a perspective they share solidly with religious doctrines. This Trump’s narrative boosted their stance. The recent ban of all elective surgeries, including abortion in the state, citing the fight for preventing the spread of coronavirus 2019, explains the state’s intentions regarding abortion.

Abortion is defined largely by our social alienations. From a conservative religious perspective, abortion is a sin and should not be allowed in society. Many religious beliefs, especially the Christians, perceive the termination of one’s life without their consent sinful. Leading from this analysis, abortion should not be encouraged in society. Such faiths concur with the Texas legislation stance. Also, it gains support from the USA president and that of other legislators working towards banning abortion. Basing its facts on extraordinary situations, Texas aims to ban abortion completely. As such, it can only be practiced under the consent of responsible individuals and only when necessary, such as in a life-saving situation or in the event of preventing a serious injury.

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A democratic society believing in the rights of all individuals should not have stringent rules banning abortion, noting the practice is based entirely on an individual decision. The woman carrier should have a say making a choice on whether to do it or not. The only important issue worth noting in such cases should be sensitization and ensuring that they know the health impacts related to abortion (Blagojević and Tucak 143). This scenario calls for the psychological counseling process, which should be enacted so that any abortion act is solely a woman’s decision after receiving counsel from health professionals. All societies should democratize abortion, ensuring that every individual does what is safe for them feels. This way, the lives of mothers shall have been given priority. The conflict existing between the federals government and Texas legislative authorities is squarely based on people’s ability to express their social background diversity. Texas, specifically, has several people opposing the abortion act, a standpoint opposing that of the federal government, and other states which view abortion as a necessity and not a crime (Totenburg). The democratic stance of the national government is worthy, as it spurs the autonomy of mothers in decision making. This perception is similar to other states with the same legislation. However, Texas should also be allowed to exercise their democratic right when legislating on this issue, as long as the belief is embraced by the majority of its inhabitants.

In conclusion, examining the legalities and beliefs surrounding abortion is worthy to help society practice it safely with a clear conscience. The federal government legislation allows abortion, democratizing the right of a woman to make autonomous decisions. Texas State is opposed to this idea, making it legal on specific situations, and now there are pending bills aimed at banning abortion in the state. Society beliefs are another aspect worthy of mentioning, say religion, grounding their stand on a religious doctrine which considers abortion sinful. However, the general concept should consider this process legal, making it fully dependent on the woman and their autonomy decision. Therefore, Texas should harmonize its laws with those of the federal government so as to avoid contradictions and conflicts during the interpretation of the law. The fundamental right to all humans should guide the abortion issue and definitely delineating this problem explicitly in society and legislative houses.

Works Cited

Blagojević, Anita, and Ivana Tucak. “Rethinking the Right to Abortion.” Balkan Social Science Review vol. 15, no.15, 2020, pp 135-157.

Lindell, chuck “The Seven Big Issues of the 2019 Texas Legislature: Abortion.” USA Today Network, Accessed 23 September 2020.

Shimabukuro, Jon O., and Karen J. Lewis. Abortion: Judicial History and Legislative Response. Congressional Research Service, 2015.

Totenburg, Nina. “Legal Fight Heats Up in Texas over Ban on Abortions amid Coronavirus.” NPR, 10 April 2020, Accessed 23 September 2020.

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