Critique on Consultation Between Nursing Prescribers and Patients

Published: 2021/12/16
Number of words: 2997


Consultation between patients and the nursing fraternity is an important aspect in diabetes condition management. Caldwell through his article on the topic provide researchers diverse perspective on the idea. Nurses have become leaders in care giving; they are more involved in the provision of care, education and in diagnosis of diabetes conditions more than before. This therefore means that nurses have to offer services according to best practices. It is essential for nurses to have effective communication skills and show concerns to the plight of patients. This is a critique paper analysing the importance of the nursing fraternity in offering care for diabetes patients. It borders on the review of patients views on the influence of nursing teams to offering care support to diabetes patients.

This essay analyses consultations between nursing facilitators and patients with diabetes. A research critique on literature by Caldwell provides readers with diverse understanding of diabetes patients’ interaction with nurses. Caldwell’s report on the response of patients to nurse tasks in managing diabetes has its implication on today’s practice. There has been growing demand of better care in the management of diabetes among nursing practitioners. Therefore, members of the fraternity understand the need to improve their response to patients in order to ensure patients manage their conditions with comfort. It has been a practice for nursing practitioners to include patients’ views while diagnosing diabetes. Research has shown that patients prefer care services delivered in cohesion with their lifestyles and one that values their opinions largely (Villagra and Tamim, 2004).

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It is important for the nursing community to practice according to set policies. Caldwell’s paper lays emphasis on this aspect. Therefore, an evidence-based system of analysis would be of importance. Consultation between patients and the nursing fraternity is important in ensuring proper service delivery. Consultation is important since it ensures that patients have better mechanisms in self-managing their problems. On the other hand, it is evident that patients prefer health facilities that value their notions as well as their inputs in the management of their conditions.

Caldwell’s journal communicates to readers of the influence of diabetes on a global scale. Taking a global perspective on diabetes, it becomes evident that as patients with diabetes increase so does nursing professionals. Nursing professionals, therefore, need to have adequate training in promoting various therapy interventions (Venning, 2000). Nursing professionals in diabetes management institutions need to have adequate communication skills. Communication skills of nurses ensure that patients understand their condition as well as the initiating self-care approaches.

The theme of the research is to understand the various influences a nurse has on diabetes patients. Then a research critique on the work by Caldwell provides the pros and cons of such initiatives. Many studies prove that patients prefer nursing professionals that motivate them to follow treatment routines. Additionally, these patients have a preference for activities that includes personal centred approaches (Ginsberg, 2010). It is evident that their participation in such programs improves their health outcomes. However, in the process of promoting diabetes treatment, healthcare facilities tend to ignore the views of patients.

This research critique on Caldwell works points out on various views of diabetes patients in relation to their interaction with nursing practitioners offering care. On a worldwide scale, the prevalence of diabetes has increased. Therefore, there has been growing need for medical facilities, as well as practitioners to improve their service delivery to patients. In response to diabetes disease management, various medical facilities have set up management programs (Cooper, Booth, and Gill. 2003). However, with such proliferation of diabetes management programs, its effectiveness as well as improving the quality of self-care is difficult to quantify. In the recent past, medical facilities dealing in diabetes management have adopted patient centred approach programs to assist patients self manage their conditions (Griffin, 2004).

In response to the condition on a global approach, healthcare institutions, as well as authorities have made policies that cater for diabetes patients. In such policies, emphasis has been placed on the provision of diabetes self-management skills (Bodenheimer, 2002). On the other hand, such initiatives have the direction of providing collaborative services that improves patients’ participation (Villagra and Tamim, 2004). This indicates that there has been a growing application of patient-centred approach toward diagnosis and the maintenance of diabetes among patients.

However, in order for such initiatives to take shape, there is a need for professionals, patient’s family members to sign a memorandum. People with conditions such as diabetes, expect adequate care from healthcare professionals. Such individuals also need to receive treatment in comfort, dignity and with respect (Ciechanowski, 2001). However, in order for practitioners to provide care for such patients a good communication system is essential. In retrospect doctors, nurses and caregivers, as well as family members may hinder such communication.

The importance of research and theory to diabetes management has significant benefits in the diagnosis of the conditions. The critique proves this point by elaborating how professional ethics empowers the nursing fraternity. Further literacy levels of patients can be a hindrance in interaction with healthcare professionals. Low literacy levels, therefore, have been a hindrance in the diagnosis of diabetes. Literacy is a hindrance to such management since it is an important aspect in the provision of healthcare services to patients. (Rothman, 2004).

Caldwell’s works contribute a lot in the management of the diabetes condition. The journal has gained international reputation that it has been peer reviewed. Improvement of patients’ care is another important aspect that caregivers need to concentrate on in their duties. It is evident that patients suffering from diabetes suffer from other conditions. Patient may suffer from depression, hypertensions and other ailments. Caregivers in the nursing field, therefore, need to diverse intervention in the management of diabetes conditions as well as other conditions. An important aspect to consider in provision of such care comes from the influence of depression on the management of diabetes in order patients.

Additionally, information from Caldwell literature indicates that specialised nursing interventions to diabetes have been of importance to the intervention of the condition. Specialised led teams are able to provide healthcare services to hypertension patients and diabetic patients suffering from other conditions. According to a study on healthcare intervention in the United Kingdom, specialised nursing led clinics prove to be able to adjust to new hospital-based interventions promptly (New, 2003). According to this survey, such interventions are able to improve the awareness of clinicians in hospitals (Cooper, Booth, and Gill. 2003). Further, this intervention has been of importance in the provision of quality healthcare to diabetes patients.

The journal is important for students, practitioners and policy makers in the field. The research tries to explain patient’s reviews on the performance of nurses. However, interventions that include the provision of cost effective approaches, need to concentrate on other aspects such as improvement of patients’ behaviour to therapy (Campbell, 2007). On the other hand, therapies that lower lipids levels in a patient’s body are cost effective and important in the provision of treatment. However, it is not only important for clinics that institute a nursing led approach to therapy to consider the cost effectiveness of the program, but to ensure that they follow standards of practice.

Care for patients with diabetes largely relate to the provision of primary care. This form of care revolves around patients visiting general nursing practitioners. Looking at the general caregivers’ one can state that they perform their duties in with some special guidelines. These guidelines border at provision of social, psychological as well as holistic models of care. Such practitioners value and consider diabetes patient’s way of thinking as well as their lifestyles. On the other hand, consideration needs to be based on the biological make up of such patients. It has become necessary for these practitioners to value patients decisions and their personal priorities (Stenner, Molly and Nicola, 2011). By fulfilling the above practices, nursing practitioners dealing with diabetes patients can ensure a holistic approach to care.

The proceeding literature review on Caldwell’s journal illustrates the importance of literature review on the study. It illustrates how literature may influence policy as well as decisions. In recognising nurses’ efforts in the provision of care for diabetes patients, one would relate to their role in the management of the condition in patients as well as in the provision of educational assistance. Since diabetes is now a global condition, medical practitioners in countries have developed their modes of care provision. However, one can see that such programs vary depending on the country (Kinmonth, 1998). This variation arises because countries have different authorities and mode of providing care. However, to capture all spheres in the management of diabetes countries have devised long-term care programs (Ciechanowski, 2001). Such programs need not only to be cost effective but conclusive in healthcare provision to diabetes patients.

Since patients with diabetic conditions have been on the increase over years, medical professionals foresee a situation where medical practitioners may be overwhelmed by patients. To cater for this growing eventuality practitioners in the UK and in other countries have voiced their concerns. Such concerns have seen an increase in the number of nursing professionals providing care to diabetes patients. These eventualities further assist authorities in ensuring that diabetes patients access medication. It additionally ensures that medical practitioners exercise their duties at higher levels and that patients may make better care choices (Aiken, 2002). In relation to UK, statistics indicate that there are more than 18000 qualified nurses. This nursing team can independently assess patients’ conditions and diagnose their diabetes conditions. This eventuality has been of great relief to doctors since they now deal with critical conditions.

In the typical patients and practitioners interactions, patients collaborated mostly with medical doctors. However, recent development in the field has seen ever-increasing cases of nurses replacing doctors in provision of care. This means that there has been some complains and fear with such arrangements (Laurant, 2004). Many argue that such a change would threaten patient- centred approach to care principles. However, statistics on the contrary indicate that patients rate nurses’ care in almost similar breath as doctors. This then means that there is a higher satisfaction with patients receiving diabetes care from patients. Further, such interactions between patients and caregivers result in other benefits.

According to Caldwell’s work, it becomes evident that medical practitioners need to uphold ethics. Ethics in the management of diabetes relates to efforts by the nursing fraternity to uphold professional standards as well as patients’ interests. Patients have the additional benefit of having the opportunity to voice their concerns to health practitioners. On the other hand, recent improvement in technology and information systems has made it easy for medical nursing practitioners to inform patients of their conditions. Information technology resources have made it easier for nursing professionals to rely information to patients as well as in the provision of educational thoughts and ideas (Cooper, Booth, and Gill. 2003).

Patients’ views on nursing practices in healthcare stem from their approach towards communication. Patients rate such practitioners in terms of their engagement in conversation, their listening skills as well as their explanation to conditions. Communication is essential in the provision of care to diabetes patients. Statistics on the communication skills of nursing practitioners in the UK indicate that over 70% of patients make informed decisions after such consultations (Stenner, Molly and Nicola, 2011). This shows that patients have a higher rating for nursing practitioners offering care. On the contrary, nurses have shown diverse commitment in providing patients with information concerning side effects of medication as well as information concerning risks.

In addition, communication skills of nurses, other aspects significantly influence their interactions with patients. Such aspect includes the interpersonal skills of practitioners, their level of evaluation and approachability by patients. Further, nursing professionals need to be empathetic to the plight of patients and need to understand the conditions of their patients. Therefore, there is need for health practitioners as well as researchers, in matters concerned with diabetes, to explore patients’ views on their interactions with the nursing fraternity (Aiken, 2002). In response to these needs, a study on the impacts of nursing practitioners on diabetes management results in diverse findings.

Caldwell’s research provides communicates varied views from patients suffering from the diabetes condition. This finding purely ventures on reviewing of patients views on nursing practitioners and their interactions at the time of consultation. Findings from this research rely diverse important aspects of nurses involvement in giving care to diabetes patients’ as well as other important aspects to policy makers and practitioners.

The purpose of this research is to review past research on the influence of the nursing fraternity in the management of diabetes among patients. The study concentrates on the views of patients. Patients have a chance to expound on their views about their interactions with nursing professionals. Then with regard to these effects, readers further explore the influences nurses have on the management of diabetes. How they influence education, communication and interactions with persons living with the diabetes condition.

Caldwell’s research involves the use of qualitative research collection technique. In this study, emphasis is on the use of semi-structured interviews. Such interviews, therefore, are essential in understanding how diabetes patients rate their interactions with nurses giving care. This research concentrates on seven nursing caregivers. The setting for such an analysis then concentrates on the primary care centred since majority of patients prefer primary care facilities (Stenner, Molly and Nicola, 2011). This analysis represents information on nursing functions within the UK but clearly provides a framework for all regions.

From the findings of this research on the influence of nursing practitioners in the provision of care on diabetes, 83% of participants were whites while 17% of ethnic minority groups. It became evident that the participant in this study range from 37 years to 87 years. This analysis involves patients with type 2 diabetes which represents a large portion while those with type 2 diabetes represent 4,8% of the population. In relation to findings from this research, it became evident that information had to be in three categories for easy analysis. These categories include subjects such as the benefits patients get from nursing practitioners, their decision-making and their levels of involvement.

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In relation to nurses’ consulting styles, diabetes patients attest that practitioners showed no hurried interest in undertaking their tasks. Patients’ views further reveal that during their consultation, nurses’ attitude ensured that they had a thorough analysis of their problems. Further patients allude to the fact that during their consultation-nursing practitioners gave them all their time. In relation to care, patients argue that nursing practitioners showed their interest in patients’ plight. This personal approach to care giving shows that patients received quality services in these centres. Additionally, findings from this research indicate that patients view nursing practitioners as more approachable compared to doctors (Bodenheimer, Macgregor and Stothart, 2005).

This influence relates to nurses style of diagnosis as well as their roles. On the other hand, patients state that it is easier to contact a nurse than a doctor in such a setting. Others point out that a nurse may even pick up telephone calls for advice unlike doctors. Another important aspect to diabetes patients’ interactions with patients relates to the availability of information. Many patients attribute nursing practitioners to having clear understanding of information thus offers better services. Such patients attest to the ability of a nurse to provide comprehensive and clear information either in writing or verbally. It became evident from the study that nursing practitioners’ interactions with patients ensured aspects of trust and confidence (Stenner, Molly and Nicola, 2011). The ability of nurses to make informed treatment decisions ensures reputation building with patients. Patients attest to their continual interaction with nursing practitioners as the building block to their trust and confidence.

Reference list

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